Friends to Lovers

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Luke Hughes
731 words
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Luke and y/n met on Luke's first day of College. She was a sophomore helping the freshman find anything they needed. Luke was the dumb one who could barely walk without bumping into people.

Luke wandered around the big crowds without a thought in his mind. His parents were trailing behind him, trying to read the map. Every couple seconds they'd come to the conclusion that they're going the wrong way. His brothers were somewhere around the campus waiting for them to get to their destination. All they were trying to do was find Luke's dormroom. Luke sighed as a girl walked up to him.

"You're a freshman right?" The girl asked. Luke nodded.

"I'm y/n. I'm a sophomore. Is there anything I can help you find?" y/n asked with a smile. Luke nodded frantically.

"I need to find the dormrooms. This place is huge and my family isn't big on using maps to find where to go." y/n laughed and Luke smiled.

"I'm Luke by the way." Luke said as the two started walking, his parents trailing behind them.

"Nice to meet you, Luke."

The two had been friends since, but Luke didn't like just being friends with her. She made him feel as if they'd been friends since he was little and he loved the way she'd smile at the smallest things. Luke walked around his dorm, trying to figure out how to tell her, but there was a knock on the door disrupting his train of thought. He opened it and standing there was the very girl he was thinking about.

"Hey Luker." y/n said as she pushed her way into his room.

"Hey y/n/n." Luke said as she watched the girl fall onto his bed. She grabbed his favorite blanket and wrapped it around herself.

"I love this blanket." y/n said as she closed her eyes. Luke rolled his in response.

"Did you come over to sleep or something? You have your own room for that." Luke sassed as he pulled his blanket off of her and she groaned.

"I was going to do work, but this bed is calling my name. Come lay with me Luker, and give the blanket back." y/n said with grabby hands. Luke could never resist the grabby hands. He slowly walked over to her and then climbed her over so he was near the wall. He laid down and threw the blanket over the two. He turned a little and then pulled the girl close to him. His head instinctively dug into her neck.

Luke loved when she came over to sleep. He always got to hold her and she didn't tell him to stop. He just didn't know she loved it too.

y/n always came over to Luke's dorm for mid day naps. Not only did she love his blanket, but she loves him. He always made her smile and (She'd never tell him) he made her nervous.

When she was sure Luke was asleep she rotated her position so her front was pressed against his. She wrapped her arms around him in return for his and then she fell asleep.

When Luke woke up he was sure he was going to tell her he loved her. But when y/n woke up, he got nervous and started to rethink his decision, so y/n took matters into her own hands.

"Luke, we need to talk." y/n said after the two pulled apart from each other and sat up. Luke's hands started shaking and y/n grabbed them.

"I love you." Luke blurted out. y/n's eyes widened and she let out a breathy laugh.

"Straight to the point, huh?" y/n laughed a little louder and Luke slowly joined in. y/n looked at Luke with a smile painted on her face.

"I love you, too." y/n said. Luke sighed of relief loudly.

"That got my heart racing." Luke said. y/n nodded.

"You took a while to say you love me." y/n said. Luke shrugged and mumbled.

"Everytime I was going to you'd just make me nervous." y/n smiled.

"That's okay Luker. No matter how long you'd take to tell me, I'd love you just the same." y/n said as she leaned into Luke. Their lips met and Luke finally had the girl.

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