Hate Me

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643 words
Jesper Bratt
Not requested

Nico invited y/n over for a party at the beginning of the 23-24 season. What he didn't know is that her and Jesper didn't get along.

y/n showed up to the party and was instantly greeted by Nico with Jesper at his side. Jepser rolled his eyes and y/n just turned away from his action.

"I'm really glad you could come." Nico said with his thick accent. y/n smiled at Nico.

"Of course! You're my best friend, I wouldn't miss it." y/n smiled, instantly seening the change of mood in the blond boy next to him. y/n didn't bothing putting anymore attention on him the rest of the night.


y/n was drunk. She was sure of it. She was also sure she was going to throw up soon, the uneasy feeling of her stomach was sure of it. Everyone was outside other than maybe five people, y/n didn't know any of them other than Jesper. She really didn't want to disturb him and make him upset, but she really needed help.

"Jesper?" She whispered. He turned his head and did a double take of y/n standing there. She looked scared and she was fidgeting with her hands.

"Can you help me to the bathroom? I don't feel well." She whispered again, ashamed she needed help from him. Jesper quickly stood and helped her down the hall, resting a hand on her back for support. He opened the door for her and helped her to the ground, making sure she didn't hit her head on the counter or the side of the toilet. She threw up right after.

Jesper held her hair back and whispered sweet nothings to the nervous girl. A few tears streamed from her eyes as she threw up. She sat with the back against the wall after wiping her face and washing out her mouth.

"I'm sorry." y/n said, looking down so she didn't have to face Jesper.

"It's okay." Jesper said. To him, there wasn't anything that she needed to apologize for.

"I'm going to go to the guest room... Thank you, Jesper." y/n said as she tried, and failed, to get off the ground and to her feet. Jesper stood first, holding his hand out to the girl on the ground. She hesitantly took his hand and tried to get to her feet again. Jesper wrapped an arm around her waist and helped to lift her up. He walked her down the hall to the guest room and opened the door, helping her to the bed. She quickly laid down and Jesper went to leave the room.

"Can you stay?" y/n asked with teary eyes. The embarrassment of all the questions she's asked Jesper started to catch up to her. Jesper closed the door and walked over to the bed. He sat against the headboard and y/n moved her head into his lap. He quickly brushed his hands through her hair, calming her down.

"Why do you hate me so much?" y/n asked. Jesper took a second before responding.

"You're Nico's best friend and I like you. I tried to hate you because I thought these feelings would go away." Jesper admited. y/n's breathing hitched and she sat up, Jesper's hand moving from her hair to the side of her face. His thumb ran across her cheek. y/n quickly leaned into the boy in front of her. Her lips collided with his and y/n's arms placed themselves around Jesper's neck.

"Does this mean you like me too?" Jesper asked with a grin. y/n nodded.

"I liked you before you hated me and I just couldn't let go of you, no matter how horrible you were." y/n said with a smile. Jesper leaned back in and kissed her again.

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