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Nico hischier
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"C'mon you have to come with me." Kayla said to her friend y/n. y/n rolled her eyes are her friend.

"I'm not going to a club with you." y/n tells her.

"Please. I promise I won't make you do anything you don't want to." Kayla begged.



y/n has been sitting in a booth for the last hour by herself. She's been watching Kayla go from guy to guy dancing. She was having the time of her life by herself. y/n took a sip of her water when her eyes landed on a guy with brown hair that goes down to the bottom of his ears. When he ran his hand through his hair y/n stomach got butterflies. The guy looked in her direction she quickly looked down at the table.

y/n could feel her face heat up as she took another sip of water. Suddenly Kayla sat down next to her.

"There's a guy looking at you y/n." Kayla said excitedly. y/n looked around the room and her eyes met with the guy from earlier.

"He caught me staring at him not to long ago, Kayla. It's nothing to be interested about." y/n told her.

"Well if you think he's cute and he's still looking at you, go talk to him." Kayla said. y/n shook her head.

"I'm not going too." y/n said as Kayla got up from the booth and made her way over to the mystery guy. y/n watched as Kayla talked to him, clearly pointing at her. y/n sighed and looked away from them, only to have someone sit down next to her a little bit later. She looked over at the person and it was the mystery guy.

"I'm Nico." The mystery boy said.

"I'm y/n." She said with a slight blush on her face from Nico's accent.

"So, why aren't you partying with your friend?" Nico asked. y/n shrugged and took a drink of her water.

"I'm not the partying type. Are you?" y/n asked.

"I am most of the time. We won a really important game for our team today." Nico said with a shrug.

"Really? What do you play?" y/n asks.

"I play hockey for the New Jersey Devils." Nico said. y/n didn't say anything back.

"What, didn't you reconize me? That was why you were staring right?" Nico said with a hint of confusion in his voice. y/n shook her head.

"I really just thought you were attractive. I don't watch sports often, and if I did I wouldn't remember what the players looked like anyways." y/n responded.

"It's been a while since I've met a girl who doesn't know who I am." Nico said with a chuckle.

"Come dance with me." Nico said as he stood up from the booth. y/n shook her head.

"Just one song." Nico spoke again. y/n sighed.

"Just one song." y/n repeats. The two walk to the center of the dance floor. Being it was a saturday night there was a lot of people there so the two stood close together.

Nico turned the girl so she was facing away from him and he lightly put his hands on her hips. He swayed her to the music and she followed suit. They moved together for the entire song until it stopped.

"See, it wasn't that bad." Nico said as he walked back to the booth with y/n. The girl giggled.

"Yeah, I guess." y/n responded. Kayla called her name.

"y/n/n, can we go now?" Kayla asked. y/n nodded. She turned to Nico and smiled.

"I had fun, thank you." She said as she began to walk away. Nico grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"Give me your phone." Nico said. y/n did as she was told. She opened her phone and gave it to Nico. Nico typed on her phone then gave it back.

"I'll see you later." Nico said as he let the girl leave. As y/nand Kayla walked out to their car she looked at her phone.

(a phone number)
call me sometime - Nico

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