What You Don't Know

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Matthew Tkachuk
878 words
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y/n isn't known throughout the NHL, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know a few guys. More specifically, her boyfriend, Matthew Tkachuk. They've been together for about a year, knowing the deepest secrets each other holds. Matthew knows how she was confident of herself, enough to show off her body and her personality boys go crazy for (She's the girl you'd want, but never be able to have. She'd slip from your grasp anytime you got close, unless you were Matthew), and he never really gets jealous. He lets her do it, he doesn't care. Well, he doesn't care until the Oliers are in Florida.

"Let's go celebrate the win." y/n's voice is whiney as she talks to Matthew, he'd never say no to that voice. Matthew drive them to the bar y/n wants to go to, unknowing the Oliers are right inside the door trying to enjoy the rest of their time in Florida.


Matthew let's y/n run around talking to whoever she seems to want to talk to. She never stops to dance, or if she does Matthew can't see because he's too busy talking with a guy at the bar.

"Leon, right?" He hears y/n voice from behind him. Clearly, she's talking to the only guy Matthew would wish she'd stay away from, but he trusts her. He doesn't trust him.

"First time I've heard you say it the American way." Leon watches y/n with dark eyes, his mood seeming to have changed when she came over. Matthew stands there, stunned. His girlfriend has talked to Leon more than once, and she's always pronounced it his way. Something about him not knowing about that doesn't sit right with him.

"I'm too tipsy to even try. It's been while since I've spoken any German, let alone your name." Matthew can hear y/n's quiet giggle after she talks. Matthew didn't know she could speak German either.

"It's been longer since you've screamed it." Leon spoke softly, his eyes trained on Matthew's dark curls. He thought Matthew would hear what he said, but he didn't react.

"Yeah, yeah, my time as a casual hookup is over. I'm actually a girlfriend now." Matthew's nerves seem to calm at y/n's words. She sounded proud to be a girlfriend, his girlfriend.

"Don't act like your blaming me. You broke it off because you fell in love with me." Matthew turns around quickly and eyed Leon before looking at y/n's expression. She was... upset. Clearly Leon hit a sore spot, but Matthew never knew this, never knew about them. She looked over to Matthew, the emotion in her eyes telling him they'll talk later.

"Hey, Draisaitl. Saying hello to an old friend?" Matthew asks, swinging an arm over y/n shoulder, smiling at her. He was going to play it off like he knew about them because y/n needed that right now. She needed to be shielded from whatever affect Leon has on her. She smiled softly back at Matthew, her eyes sparkling because of him.

"I guess. Never really thought of her as a friend though." That was Matthews breaking point. Even if he hates Draisatil with ever fiber of his being and doesn't mind the pointless chirps to him, he would never let him speak to y/n that way. Suddenly, y/n slips behind Matthew to shield herself from the oncoming argument.

"It's different when you play against someone, but if your going to be a bitch off the ice you can leave my state. Don't fucking talk to my girlfriend again or I'll make sure your career is over." Matthew tried to threaten Leon, but he didn't seem scared.

"Oh Matthew, I can't believe you. Maybe next time you should keep her by your side instead of letting her off the leash. Maybe she wouldn't have talked to someone she used to love." Matthew scoffed. He definitely was going to fight Leon the next time they played.

"I'm starting to get why y/n left you and moved an entire country away. You're a toxic shit who can't figure out how to tolerate something you don't like." Leon walked away, eyeing y/n as he walked past her. She moved back to the front of Matthew, blocking Leon's view if he decided to walk over again. Matthew pulled her into his chest and she started rambling.

"I should have told you about high school and-"

"You don't need to explain anything. Not now at least." Matthew said, quieting her for a moment.

"He was right, though. You shouldn't put so much trust in me. I made a stupid mistake thinking saying hi would be a good thing, but it wasn't." y/n sighed. Matthew shook his head, letting y/n know she was wrong.

"I think it's him who made all the wrong choices and I think it's going to be us who's going to leave this bar with a smile on our faces and go home." Matthew says, his smile creeping onto his face as he looks at y/n, who isn't tight against his chest anymore. She gives him a small smile back, but lets him pull her along with an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

A/N: Guy I promise Leon isn't a terrible dude irl. I just thought the plot of i-used-to-hook-up-with-your-rival would have been fun.

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