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Jamie Drysdale/Jack Hughes
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438 words

As he looked into her eyes it felt like home.

He's been told home was a place all his life, but it's not. It's a person. It's her.

"Jamie?" She asks with a smile on her face. He snaps out of the trance he was in.

"y/n?" He asks back. She nods.

"There's something I need to tell you." Jamie says. He knew he loved her, just not as a friend. He figured the feeling was the same from her too. They've been close ever since they've met and Jamie knew it was for a reason. y/n nods again.

"Me too." Jamies hopes rise when she speaks.

"At the same time?" y/n asks. Jamie nods this time.




"I like you."

"I'm moving in with Jack in New Jersey." Neither of them speak. Jamie's heart breaks as he looks at her. Her eyes were wide as she looked at Jamie.

"What?" She whispers.

"You're moving to New Jersey?" Jamie whispers back. y/n looks down to the floor infront of her. She nods slowly.

"Why didnt you tell me earlier?" The confused and heartbroken Jamie says.

"I didn't want to hurt you, Jamie. I wanted to spend the rest of my time with you happy. I didn't want us to dwel on the future." y/n says. She truly never meant to hurt Jamie. He was her best friend.

"When do you leave?" Jamie asked.

"As soon as I can." y/n responded.

"What's Jack to you?" Jamie whispered. Jamie didn't actually want to know. He wanted to talk about something other than his feelings for as long as possible.

"He's my boyfriend, Jamie." Jamie takes a deep breath and gets up from the couch.

"You kept that from me too?" Jamie asked. y/n gets up as Jamie runs his hand through his hair.

"I knew you liked me so I didn't want to hurt you." y/n says a bit louder.

"Just tell me next time so I can stop loving you before it's too late!" Jamie says.

"I fell in love with you okay! I don't want you to leave. It's not the same waking up without you here." Jamie says. His happiness depended on her. He needed her here.

"I'm not going to stay, Jamie." y/n says. She leaving. She already made up her mind. She sighs and walks to her bedroom.

"I'm going to start packing. I'll talk to you later, Jamie." His heart breaks a little more every time she speaks.

And for the first time, he feels as if he'll never be home again.

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