Christmas Gift

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2221 words
Mark Estapa
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y/n didn't know what she was going to do, other than watch movies for the next three days and cry. The roads were too icey and her parents weren't in town to celebrate christmas with her, so she was stuck by herself for the entire holiday.

It was 6:00pm when y/n started the movie Home Alone. It was also 6:00pm when y/n realized how hungry she was since she didn't eat lunch. She quickly ordered food from her favorite place and waited.

The doorbell rang and y/n slowly got up from the couch. She grabbed some money and walked to the door, opening it. Standing there was her delivery man with her food in his hand.

"Merry Christmas, your total is 13.78." The delivery man says with a, quite gorgeous, smile. y/n quickly hands over $14 and takes the bag from his hand.

"Thank you." y/n smiles, but it quickly falls. Before she had time to close the door the TV switched to a city broadcast.

"Hello people of Ann-Arbor. We are experiencing heavy snow and lots of ice on the roads. Please, if you are thinking about heading for a drive, stay inside." The message repeated three times. Both y/n and the delivery person stared at the TV before y/n looked back at him.

"Do you want to come inside?" She asks. The delivery man looked as if her question was in another language.

"They said not to drive right now..." y/n says a little quieter, thinking her offer was stupid because of the lack of response from the boy. He then smiles and nods.

"I'll take you up on that offer." He says. He waits for y/n to step out of the way before slowly walking into her house, taking his snowy shoes off by the door. y/n closes the door behind him. Her movie was still paused on the screen.

"Make yourself at home. I'm watching Home Alone if you'd like to sit with me." y/n offers again. The boy seemed to get excited at the mention of the movie. He walked around to the front of the couch and sat down a couple feet away from y/n.

"I'm Mark Estapa, by the way." Mark says with a smile. That boy is never frowning. y/n's eyes widen in realization.

"You play hockey for the University of Michigan, right?" She asks. Mark nods.

"What are you doing working over winter break?" y/n asks again. His schedule must be so busy you'd think he'd want the time off. Mark shrugged.

"I work during the breaks so I can afford to travel during the summer. I like going places and I would have during this break if it wasn't for the terrible weather." Mark says. y/n nods in complete understanding.

"My parents wanted to have christmas in florida this year, but the weather was so bad the day of my flight I couldn't get to the airport." y/n shares. Mark frowns for the first time.

"So, you're spending christmas all alone?" Mark asks sadly. y/n nods.

"It's not that big of a deal. I get to watch christmas movies for three days straight." y/n tries to cover up her sadness by looking at the positive. Mark sees through it.

"Aren't you sad that you don't have your family to celebrate with?" Mark asks, slightly confused by her happy behavoir. y/n shrugs.

"Yeah, but it's not always that bad. I have you until the snow clears enough." y/n jokes. Mark laughs slightly.

"Yeah, and I'm the best company around."


The snow didn't clear until christmas day. Mark was in her house for two days. They watched movies for two days.

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