With Him

852 9 1

Luke Hughes
653 words
Not requested

A/N: told from jacks pov

Jack brought a girl home for the first time in years. Well, he wasn't dating her, but he wanted too and his plan was to make her his girlfriend by the end of summer. But, halfway through summer, y/n seemed to be better friends with Luke than Jack. She always sat next to him, she always talked with him, she always smiled the most with him. Jack pretended like he didn't know what was happening.

"Luke!" y/n yelled with a laugh. Luke picked her up and put her over his shoulder and walked to the edge of the doc. Jack watched as Luke's arm curled around her waist, his stomach filling with jealously, which he wouldn't admit. He watched as Luke threw her into the water and then jumped in after her. y/n clinged to his torso as the two floated there. He watched as Trevor and Cole ran and jumped of the doc after the two, momentarily distracting Jack from his sadness.

Jack looked over next to him when he saw someone sit down in the chair next to him. Quinn gave him a look before speaking.

"What's up with you?" Quinn asked, knowing Jack wasn't in the right mind for the last couple of days. Stupid older brother instincts.

"Luke and y/n. That's what's up." Jack looked down at the ground, his frown growing as he spoke. Quinn sighed before throwing his arm around Jack's shoulders, pulling him closer so their conversation could be more private.

"You know she's had a crush on Luke since you guys were in jersey right? Luke used to call me and tell me about her even before you did. I don't think what they have is anything new." Quinn stated the harsh truth. Jack sighed, his hopes crushing even more. y/n was supposed to be his, but instead she's with Luke.

"Should I just... ask Luke about it? See what they are to each other and if they aren't together should I tell y/n how I feel? You know, just to get it out there." Jack asked. He thought it was a good idea, but Quinn usually stopped him from doing anything stupid.

"I think you should. If she does turn you down you can move on because you'll know she doesn't want you." Quinn said. Jack rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.

"You didn't have to word it so bluntly." Jack said, shrugging off Quinn's arm and moving away from him.

"I'll sugar coat everything from here on out, but don't come crying to me when you don't listen." Quinn said, laughing as he got up from the chair next to Jack.


Jack wandered around the dark basement filled with people. He was looking for y/n to tell her how he feels, but where he found her isn't something he wanted to ever see. Luke's arm was wrapped around her waist as she stood, her body pressed against his. Jack's heart broke for what seemed like the hundredth time this summer. Then Luke kissed her and it all happened again. Jack moved to stand against the wall next to them, close enough he could hear them talking over the sound of people.

"Keep your mouth to yourself. People do not want to see us kiss." y/n laughed, her fake stern expression crumbling in a second. Luke shook his head and leaned back into y/n planting kisses around her face as she laughed.

"You love it when I kiss you, though." Luke spoke inbetween kisses. y/n sighed, a smile still on her face as she looked at Luke with loving eyes.

"I love it when you do anything." y/n spoke so softly that Jack almost couldn't hear her. She loved it when Luke did anything. She loved Luke. Jack pushed himself off of the wall and exited the people filled room.

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