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1394 words
Cole Caufield
Not requested

A/N: this has been sitting in drafts for like 2 months lol

"Let's go play pool or something." Jack says to the group of boys sitting on the couch. Trevor, Alex, Cole, and a couple more were just playing on their phones. No one answered Jack. Jack looked at the screens of everyone's phones. Trevor was playing Roblox, Alex was scrolling through Instagram, and Cole was scrolling through a certain person's Instagram account. Jack moves and gets off the couch. He grabs all the boys' phones, not caring about their protests. Cole seemed the most distraught out of everyone.

"Dude, give that back!" Alex exclaims. Trevor tries reaching for his phone, only to get his hand swatted away.

"Everyone to the basement now!" Jack ordered the group. Everyone sighed and slowly got up off of the couch and made their way into the basement.


A while later Trevor and Quinn were playing pool with everyone else watching or conversing around them. Cole seemed to be zoned out while leaning against a wall away from everyone else. He was playing with his fingers as he watched everyone else have fun. He was snapped out of his trance when Jack came over and slung an arm around his shoulders.

"Why do you seem to nervous, Cole?" Jack asks. Cole shrugs slightly.

"It's nothing." Cole says. Then a phone starts ringing and Cole's eyes light up.

"That's my phone." Cole says with a smile, trying to contain his excitement. Jack nods slowly.

"And is that something you need to answer?" Jack asks with a mom voice. Cole nods rapidly. Jack rolls his eyes and grabs Cole's phone from where he hid them. He throws it to Cole and he answers right away.

"Hey, y/n." Cole says. To Jack, he seemed instantly relaxed and a lot happier when the person on the other line started talking back to him.

"Hey, Coley." A girl said from the other side of the phone. Cole and her kept talking. Nothing seemed to important until Jack overheard him before he hung up the phone.

"I love you, baby. Bye." Jack raised an eyebrow as he watched Cole's mood slowly drop again. Talking to that girl was the reason why Cole always seemed to happy when he was on his phone. He clearly misses her, and he said he loves her, but Cole hasn't told anyone about him having a girlfriend. Jack thought for a moment. He walked back up to Cole and held out his hand.

"Phone." Jack said. Cole gave up his phone easier this time. As Jack walked away he slipped his phone and Cole's phone into his pocket.

A minute later Jack excused himself to the bathroom and opened Cole's phone. He opened his recent calls and clicked the more information button on the contact of a girl named "y/n/n 💗". Cole clearly had a girlfriend, but why didn't he tell anyone? Jack shook the thought from his mind as he put the number of the girl into his phone. He closed out Cole's phone and got out of bathroom. He made his way back down the stairs and started to hang out with the boys again.

Later that night, Jack was lying in bed when he first texted the mystery girl.


are you coles girlfriend

that depends who are you and how do you know cole?

im jack hughes we played on usntdp togehter

cole talks about you quite a bit

so you are coles girlfriend?

yeah but he said he wasnt going to tell you guys yet

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