Cafes and Coffee

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There's something about the day that Luke notices right when he wakes up. He's happier than usual and there's something in the air that makes him feel refreshed, to say the least. It's like something out of a movie.

That day seems brighter as Luke walks out of his dormitory and to the nearest coffee shop. He's gone there almost everyday during his sophomore year, he's a regular at this point.

When he walks in there's someone in line at the register, someone he's never seen before. It's a girl with beautiful hair and bright eyes, someone who looks like how Luke's day feels. His attention is on her as she steps up to the counter to order and then Luke does something without thinking.

Before the girl can put her card into the reader, Luke uses his. The girl's eyes are wide as she looks back at Luke, then to his card, then back at him.

"Hey." Luke spoke before looking back at the cashier and getting the receipt. The girls cheeks turn a soft pink as she walks away to a table, Luke following behind her.

"I'm Luke." Luke said with a smile. The girl smiled back.

"y/n. You don't need to pay for my drink to be able to introduce yourself." y/n laughed. Luke looked down at the table, embarrassed. Sometimes he hated when his body moved without permission, this being one of those moments.

"What can I say? Actions will always speak louder than words." Luke smirked, his facade breaking as he lets out a quick laugh. He couldn't act to save his life and little does he know, that's something y/n is going to end up loving about him.


The Michigan Wolverine's last home game of the season was just over and y/n made her way  down to the locker room to see Luke. The team won, him contributing to the win with one goal and one assist, making y/n prouder than ever.

It took about 30 minutes for Luke to walk out of the locker room and into the hallway where y/n was waiting. Then she kissed him. It was quick and she ended up pulling away before he did, if he even wanted to.

"You just-"

"You're the one who said actions speak louder than words." y/n's cheeks were colored a bright red that got so much redder when Luke leaned back in to kiss her again.

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