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Jakob Lauko
requested by laukosgf

Soulmates are connected by red strings that turn golden when you are close to your soulmate. Fawn doesn't have a soulmate. If you find your soulmate, but you don't love them no matter how much time they give you, your string breaks. Jakub's string broke. He couldn't love her.

Fawn sat right behind the glass during warmups. The kids next to them were pointing at players as they skated by and Jakub happened to be one of them. He saw the kids and their sign. Jakub threw them a puck and they went crazy. Fawn loved seeing them like this. Their happiness was infectious. Fawn was now smiling as they watched the players get ready to play their game.


Jakub's post-game interview went viral among the hockey community. The interviewer asked him, "Has your soulmate ever been to one of your games?", and Jakub casually responded, "Are we talking about before or after my string broke?". It wasn't normal for someone to speak about their string breaking because it's either they couldn't love or someone couldn't love them. Then there was someone like Fawn. They couldn't be loved because there wasn't anyone assigned to love them.


Fawn walked around Boston with the cool fall air brushing around them. Boston had won the night before and everyone around town was talking about it. The city had a different kind of buzz whenever Boston won anything.

Fawn ran into a wall... or what they thought was a wall that actually turned out to be a person. They looked up at the person before apologizing.

"I'm really sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going." Fawn said to the taller person in front of them. They were wearing a Boston Bruins jacket, which isn't uncommon to see, and a black hat. The person smiled down at Fawn.

"It's okay. I didn't see you coming either." The person said. Fawn smiled slightly as they stood there. Their eyes trailed to the Bruins logo on the jacket.

"Are you a fan?" Fawn pointed at the logo. The person in front of them suddenly became confused. They motioned to the logo again. The person looked down then hummed.

"I guess you could say that." The person in front of them smiled as they looked at Fawn.

"Are you?" They asked back. Fawn nodded.

"I had glass seats at the game yesterday. Lauko threw the kids next to me a puck." Fawn said with a smile. The person in front of them tilted their head to the side as they began to speak.

"Really? What did you think of the game yesterday? Since, you were there, you know?" The person asks. Fawn's eyes light up as they begin to talk.


"I also love how the city feels after a Boston win. Everything is so lively." Fawn said to the person who was now sitting across from them in a coffee shop.

"I agree. It's a nice feeling knowing that the city appreciates my effort." The person across from them said. Fawn's eyebrow raised at the sentence.

"What do you mean, 'your effort'?" Fawn asks with a confused tone. The man across from them smiles before letting out a small laugh.

"You mean you didn't notice this whole time?" He asks. Fawn shakes their head.

"I'm Jakub Lauko? I remembered you when you talked about the kids who I gave the puck to." Jakub revealed. Fawn's jaw drops.

"How did I not notice!" Fawn groans. Jakub laughed at Fawn's embarrassment. His phone ringed in his pocket, but as he looked down at the number he noticed something. He saw his string. His golden string, unbroken. He looked back up at Fawn as he noticed this. They didn't have a clue what was happening.

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