Away From You

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Jamie Drysdale/Trevor Zegras
394 words
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And just like that the time was up. Jamie's gone. The three year contract didn't do shit for him like he thought it would. He sat on his hotel bed trying to take it in, but it didn't sit right with him. His phone vibrated in his hand.

"Hello?" Jamie said, his voice cracking.

"Jamie.." Trevor's voice was quiet. He was never quiet. Jamie didn't know what to do. His name sounded like a question when it came out of Trevor's mouth... like he didn't know if he was still there.

"I'm here." Jamie mumbles. A tear fell from his eye and rolled down his face.

"Why didn't you tell me? We were supposed to be in this together, Jamie." Trevor stops for a moment to let out a muffled sob.

"It all happened so fast and I still can't believe it. I'm still in the hotel. I'm about to leave." Jamie said. He knew talking about leaving was the wrong thing to do, but he needed Trevor to come find him and that's exactly what he did.


"Jamie, you can't leave me." Trevor pleads. Jamie cries in front of him. He didn't want to leave.

"Trev, you know there's nothing we can do..." Jamie whispers. Soon enough Trevor's lips are on his and Jamie doesn't know what it means. Comfort? Love? More begging for him to stay? Jamie pushes him away.

"Trevor... I'll call you okay? We can still talk." Jamie says. Trevor shakes his head.

"No, Jamie. It's not the same." Trevor sobs. Jamie's breath shakes as he opens his arms for the boy in front of him. Trevor falls into them and, if possible, sobs harder. He knew the coaches were waiting for Jamie down the hall, to tell him goodbye and thank him, he knew they were seeing Trevor break down, he knew they saw them kiss. He also knew they'd never let him stay.

Jamie pulls Trevor's tear stained face out of his chest and takes one last look in his eyes.

"I won't play." Trevor says. Jamie shakes his head.

"Yes, you will." He says before leaning back in and placing a kiss on Trevor's lips, for him this time. Jamie could only hope Trevor knows how much he loves him. And just like that, he's walking down the hallway away from Anaheim, from Trevor, and towards Philadelphia.

A/N: This trade fucking killed me so here's this.. extremely late. I took me a while to want to post after posting 'I'm A Boy'. It screwed with my motivation lol.

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