Consequences Of His Actions

765 3 0

Nico Hischier/Jack Hughes
Not requested.. but sorta requested
679 words
PT2 of Only Good Decision

The moment Jack kissed Nico, everything in the room stopped. Jack thought he heard a glass shatter, but being wrapped up in Nico's arms with his lips pressed against his, he didn't care. He had Nico and that's all he wanted.

Nico's hand seemed to be traveling lower and lower with every passing second, but Jack could only take in his touch and let him move his hands anywhere he wanted.

Jack was Nico's.

"Jack." Nico whispered against his lips. Jack's eyes fluttered open to look into the eyes of the man before him.

"You are okay with this, right?" Nico asked again, his eyes soft. Jack nodded.

"I need to hear you say it." Nico demanded. Any breath Jack had saved up seemed to disappear at his words. Nico's captaincy was really showing and Jack couldn't help but obey every word.

"I want this... you. I want you." Jack nodded as he spoke. He watched Nico's eyes turn darker at his words. Nico kissed Jack once again before pulling him off the dance floor. Jack's feet almost couldn't keep up with his body as he was pulled along by Nico.

The boys both walked into the first vacant bathroom they found. The moment Jack stepped inside he was pressed against the door, Nico's lips kissing from his lips to his cheek, to his jaw. Jack took in a sharp breath at the feeling of Nico's lips against his neck, kissing until they found the perfect spot of skin to place their mark.

"Nico." Jack breathed out. The feeling of kissing against his neck made him squirm with excitement. They were really doing this.

Snapping Jack out of his thoughts, Nico's tongue rolled across the new red spot on Jack's neck. He admired his work before pulling back to place a kiss on Jack's red, swollen lips.

"Jack..." Nico whispered. He planted his lips on the corner of Jack's mouth, letting him speak if necessary.

"I've been waiting for this... for you for so long, Neeks." Jack watched as Nico's darkened eyes trailed over his own. Nico grinned before placing another kiss on Jack's face.

"Oh, Jack, I've been waiting to get my lips on you since I first heard your name." Nico whispered against Jack's skin. His warm breath making the world feel fuzzy in the eyes of the younger boy.

"Really?" Jack whispered back. He can't tell Nico's answer based on words, but by the way his eyes look into his eyes is enough of a response for Jack.

"Then, by all means, take what's yours." Jack let the world move in slow motion around him as Nico left his hands on his body. Jack was floating there in the world with only Nico holding him close to the surface.

By the time Jack came down from his high, he was in Nico's bedroom with clothes a few sizes too big thrown over his body.

His legs hurt, mostly from unseeable memories of the night before. His shoulders felt bruised and beaten, all from the magic of the older man's mouth. Jack was torn to pieces and put back together again in the span of one night and he would do it again.

"Good morning, Jack." Nico whispered in his ear. His had an arm tucked under Jack's head, replacing all the pillows he could have had, and an arm around his waist, enclosing Jack.

"Morning, Neeks." Jack answered back. His voice was cracked and dry, making Nico chuckle behind him. The vibrations of his voice sent warmth through Jack's body.

"Seems like someone has yet to recover..." Nico whispered playfully in Jack's ear. Jack rolls over the best he can to face Nico. Jack takes a second before planting his lips against Nico's. Jack feels the older man's arms tighten around his waist, making Jack gasp against his lips.

"Kissing me last night was a good decision, Jack." Nico whispered. Jack nodded.

"I'd want nothing more than to kiss you again, so close your mouth." Jack sasses. Nico laughs, but nonetheless, presses his lips against Jack's.

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