Bride And Groom

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quinn hughes
527 words
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The bride and groom walk out onto the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. Their song, thinking out loud, starts to play. Quinn looks to the wedding party's table and spots his girlfriend y/n. One day people would be watching them dance together. His mom would be in tears and his dad would be watching his son, prouder than ever.

The clapping of everyone there ruins his imagination. He looks to the dance floor where the newlyweds are inviting couples onto the dance floor for a slow song. y/n doesn't make a move to get up since Quinn and her were slightly on the downlow. Quinn sighs as he gets up and a smile makes its way to his face. He walks to where y/n is sitting and offers out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" Quinn asks. y/n's cheeks turn a shade of pink as she puts her hand in his.

"You may." The pair walks out to the dance floor and Jack taps Luke on the shoulder, showing him Quinn with y/n. y/n giggles slightly as Quinn twirls her.

"You know, your entire family is watching right now." y/n says. Quinn nods.

"If I were them I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes off you either." Quinn says. He leans his head down to hers, resting his forehead on hers. A minute passes before Quinn speaks again.

"You know, one day we'll be the newlyweds inviting couples onto the dance floor." Quinn whispers. y/n smiles as he continues.

"You'll be wearing a beautiful white dress, not the one we got married in though. I heard those are heavy and I don't want you dragging a dress around all night." y/n giggles at Quinn.

"And you'll be wearing the suit you got drafted in. If it still fits, and if it does you'll have the best days of your life in that suit." Quinn smiles. y/n continues.

"But if it doesn't fit, you'll wear a black suit with a black button up. It'll be different from other weddings, but you'll look very handsome." y/n finishes. Quinn takes his head off of hers and places a quick kiss on her forehead.

"I can't wait for the day I get to marry you." And with that sentence the song changes into a more upbeat one. The two walk over to the table the hughes family is sitting at and they take a seat.

"I also want to wear a tiara. I know it's childish, but I feel pretty in them." Quinn grabs her hand to hold it while his brothers and parents take a seat with them.

"You're pretty all the time, baby." y/n blushed and Ellen speaks.

"What are you two talking about?" She asks. Jim was listening in on their conversation too, but jack and Luke were talking about something completely different.

"Our wedding." Quinn replies. Ellen and Jim seem taken aback for a moment before Ellen leans in again.

"Tell me everything." She says with a smile on her face. Quinn squeezes y/n's hand in happiness.

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