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Nico Hischier/Jack Hughes
2357 words
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There's something about competition that drives Nico. Maybe it's that he knows he's the best and at this music academy for a reason or maybe it's the way that people, well Jack, will get on their knees when Nico's right.

Jack was always cocky, even after being competitors for over a year, Jack hasn't let up one bit. Even after he takes Nico's dick down his throat, he's still as argumentive with him as ever.

Even though Jack's putting off this hateful personality, he'll still obey when Nico pushes him by his shoulders to his knees in the back of the auditorium. Their auditorium. Their violins and scattered music rest on the stage as Nico moans at the feeling of Jack's hot mouth taking him. Jack's eyes are closed as he swallows Nico, the sounds of his wet mouth filling the auditorium. If anyone were to walk in they'd know what was happening, but, to Jack's unknowing mind, Nico rented out the auditorium just so Jack could take him.

Jack started an arguement over first chair with his violent mouth and he just happens to be ending the argument with it too. Arguing with Jack always seemed to turn Nico on. Maybe it was the way Jack thought he had power over Nico when he didn't or maybe it was Jack's venomy words that fueled Nico to want to fuck Jack's face to shut him up. Either way, Nico always got what he wanted from Jack.

Nico let a hand wander over Jack's hollowed cheek and into his hair, pushing him back and forth. Jack let out a whine as Nico hit the back of his throat, making vibrations move through Nico's body and push him closer to his edge.

Jack argued with Nico almost every chance he could get. He'd argue about himself being 2nd chair and Nico being 1st. He'd argue about Nico playing the music not how it was written (or how Nico would say, with emotion). Nico would get something out of every argument. Jack would only get on his knees and if Nico was any smart, he'd say Jack enjoyed it. Jack picked fights just so he could please Nico and just the thought of that made Nico lust for the younger man.

"Fuck, Jack. You're doing so well." Nico huffs out between uneven breaths. Jack hums in responce to his praise, sending shivers through Nico's body. Jack loved being praised, based on the way Jack's hand slid into his pants at the comment, but even if Jack didn't do that, the way his cheeks flushed and the way he whined gave it away.

"Don't- don't do that." Nico's eyes stayed on Jack's hand as he obeyed and stopped touching himself. Jack's eyes opened and he looked up at Nico through his eyelashes with an annoyingly hateful, but yet pleased, look. Jack looked so out of it, but Nico didn't mind. His high was closing in and Jack seemed to notice as he picked up space and spent more time on Nico's known sensitive spots. Nico lets out a slur of curses as he cums into Jack's mouth. Jack pulls away and swallows, Nico watching as Jack's neck bobs. It only turns him on more.

Nico pulls Jack back to his feet and flips him around to be pressed against the wall. Jack moans as Nico's lips crash against his own. Nico's hand wanders over Jack's hip and down to the front of his plants. He presses his palm into the tent in Jack's pants. Jack's breath hitches and his eyes find Nico's.

Jack's wanting and pleasured expression makes Nico want to go down on him right here, but he waits.

"Tell me what you want." Nico whispers into Jack's ear, his hot breath pushing against his neck in ways that make Jack struggle to think.

"I- I want you." Jack whispers back. Nico's eyes widen momentarily, but then a smirk goes back on his face. They've never gone this far, but who is Nico to give Jack what he wants?

"Go back to my place after rehearsal. I'll give you what you want, I promise." Nico's hands fall back to his slides and away from Jack. He whines at the loss, but Nico presses a slow and messy kiss to his lips to keep him quiet. Nico retreats and walks back to the stage, leaving a flustered and horny Jack behind. Jack watches as Nico lifts himself to the stage and disappears off of it.

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