Catch The Puck

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1171 words
Mitch Marner
Requested by @obsessedfan4

"Mitch, this is y/n, and y/n, this is Mitch." William Nylander says with a smile. His waves his hand between her and Mitch as he speaks. y/n was William's best friend from high school. She was coming to visit him and he thought it was a good idea for her to meet all of his friends.

"Hello." y/n smiles, shy because of all the new people around her. She felt so out of place with all of the tall boys, like she was less than them. Mitch noticed.

"Do you want to see my dog?" Mitch asked. Everyone just looked at him like he asked the most stupid question ever. And it might have been. Either way, y/n said yes. She felt comfortable with Mitch. Knowing he acted like a child helped the fear y/n was feeling.

"This is Zeus." Mitch's eyes sparkled as he showed the girl his chocolate lab. She looked up at him with shy eyes before asking if she could take the phone and scroll through the rest of the album. Mitch let her.

Mitch was suddenly pulled aside by William.

"What are you doing?" William asked his friend sternly. Mitch looked at him without a clue in the world.

"She seemed uncomfortable so I showed her the thing that makes me comfortable." Mitch shrugged. He glanced over at y/n who was still looking through his never-ending album of Zeus.

"She doesn't even know you, Mitch. You let her have your phone and that's something you don't really do unless you know someone. William says.

"You're just jealous aren't you? Jealous that she's warming up to me faster than you'd like." Mitch said with a smirk. William rolled his eyes.

"She's my best friend and if you ever hurt her, I promise you will never play another hockey game." William threatens. Mitch nods and walks quickly back over to y/n, looking at the photo she's looking at.

"That was when Zeus came with me to the rink. He loves laying on the ice." Mitch said with a smile.

"You're really pretty." y/n whispers to Mitch. His eyes widen at the compliment. His cheeks flush and his head drops.

"Thank you, y/n. You're really pretty too." Mitch says back. y/n smiles at him, still with a shy expression, but yet, she was comfortable under the gaze of the taller boy.

"Here." She hands Mitch's phone back to him as William walks over to them.

"Hey, y/n/n. My parents just called and they'd like to see you again before you leave. Would you mind doing dinner with them?" William asks. y/n shakes her head.

"Nope. I love your parents, well, technically my parents because they like me better than you." y/n breaks out of her shy state when she talks to William. It's like they've known each other forever, and they kind of have.

"Okay wow. They do NOT like you more than me. I'm literally their son." William asks offended just to draw out the conversation.

"Are you sure? Remember our senior year prom when your parents attention was literally on me the entire time? They barely spoke to you." y/n says with a smile. Mitch's eyes widen. Prom? Were they together?

"Ugh, that was because they helped me pick out a suit. They didn't know what you were going to wear." William rolls his eyes. y/n shook her head.

"9th grade homecoming. I picked out your outfit, so they didn't know your outfit. Who got more attention? Me." y/n said with a smirk. William's head lowered.

"Somewhere in their heart they still love me." William said. y/n laughed and Mitch's ears rang. He loves the way she laughs. Suddenly, a phone rings and it happens to be y/n's. She pulls it out of her pocket and sighs at the site of the caller.

"Hello?" y/n asks. William's eyebrow raises in confusion.

"Oh, no. Next week I'm in Toronto." y/n lied. William's hand flew to his mouth to stop his laughter.

"Yeah, it's all good. Bye." y/n hangs up and William dies of laughter.

"Who even called?" William asked.

"Carla. I literally hate her. She asked if I wanted to go to coffee or something." William's laughter died down as he noticed all the weird stares he got from the players around him.

"It's that the girl who threatened to break us up?" William asked. y/n nodded.

"The one with the bright yellow hair that was supposed to be blonde." y/n giggled.

"Carla Weston?" Mitch asks. y/n nods, but yet looks confused.

"How do you know her?" y/n questions.

"She's Auston's friend. She's like crazy obsessed with him." Mitch says. y/n nods fastly.

"She was obsessed with Will back in high school. He didn't even know who she was." y/n laughed at the thought. Mitch joined in, laughing at what seems to be happening again.

"Nylander, coach needs you." A player yells in the distance. William sighs and walks away from his friends.

"Soo, you and Willy?" Mitch asks, trying not to looks suspicious as he digs information out of her. She quickly shakes her head.

"Oh, never. Well, not really never. We dated off and on our junior year of high school. But, right now, no. Just friends." y/n informs. She seemed to have warmed up to Mitch extremely. She didn't talk this much when she met him, and Mitch is loving it.

"Oh, cool." Mitch regrets his response, but yet he didn't know what to say. It seemed y/n ignored him since she went back to talking with William when he comes back.


"Oh, come on William. Just let me ask her." Mitch begs. WIlliam shakes his head.

"No. You asked if you could and I said no. If you won't like my answer, don't ask." William says to Mitch, who's frowning.

"Okay." Mitch says sadly. Little does William know, he was going to ask anyways.


Warm ups start and Mitch seems to be signing a puck for a fan. He smiles brightly as he skates near y/n, who was wearing her Marner jersey. Mitch tosses the puck over and she catches it, not yet looking at the writing. Mitch nods at the puck in her hands as she looks at him.

y/n, will you go out with me?

The puck was signed by Mitch. y/n's smile broadens and she looks up at him and nods frantically. Mitch laughs and smiles nevertheless.

William, from the other side of the leafs's warm up side, is glaring at the interaction. Mitch didn't listen to him. y/n was his girlfriend, but William passed by one word. Was. She wasn't his girlfriend anymore, no matter how much William wished she was.

Mitch smiled at the girl, ignoring the eyes burning into his back. He was happy, she was happy, and that's all that mattered.

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