Fighting For Her

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Cole Sillinger
378 words
Requested by @-DARLINGBESSON

"And Sillinger drops the gloves with Rempe!" The announcer yells. Mandy sighs from the kitchen as she washes her and Cole's dishes from their pregame dinner. She always told him to be more careful, and he always said he would, but he never listened to her.

"After review Sillinger and Rempe both are ejected from the game." Mandy walks into the other room and turns off the TV.


Soon enough there's knocking on her front door, Cole waiting on the other side. Mandy lets him in, waiting for him to speak before she says anything. She's waiting for an apology for not doing the one thing she asked, but it never came. Cole's face still had some blood loosely tricking down it because of the hits Rempe landed.

"Come on." Mandy spoke with a tired voice. Cole followed after her and into the bathroom where Mandy wetted a washcloth under the sink. Cole moved to whee he was leaning his back against the vanity, looking down at Mandy. He knew she wasn't going to be proud of him because of this, but she didn't hear the things that Rempe said about her and Cole loves her too much to have let it slide.

"You're too reckless." Mandy sighs as she presses the wash cloth against Cole's cheek. A smile makes its way to her face as she looks at Cole. She just can't resist it.

"But I have you to help me." Cole smiles. He leans his head down to press a kiss to Mandy's cheek, her heart pounding roughly in her chest. He keeps pressing kisses to her cheek until Mandy places her hands on his chest and pushes him away.

"Okay, I need to finish getting you cleaned up." Mandy swipes the wash cloth over his skin again.


"I love you." Cole spoke quickly as he watches Mandy read through the headlines about the recent game. She looks over to him, a soft smile on her face.

"I love you too, but you don't need to fight for me in the ice." Mandy spoke softly. Cole shook his head in disagreement.

"I will always fight for you, on or off the ice, Mandy." Those words made Mandy lean in to kiss Cole. He's fighting for her.

A/N: sorry this is so short. I ran out of details to write but I thought reckless boyfriend and girlfriend that would take care of his wounds was so cute.

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