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638 words
Luke Hughes
Not requested

A/N: this is actually so bad please don't read if you don't want second hand embarrassment from this terrible writing.

Madison walked through the big school with a large weight on her shoulders. She didn't expect this big amount of schoolwork and this amount of people. Sure, she knew college would be tough, but not this tough.

Madison couldn't concentrate on her work as the people around her only got louder. There seemed to be not a single quiet space in the school. She quickly packed up her things and walked out of the loud commons.

She seemed to have walked for a long time, seeing that the sun was setting as she finally found the extremely big library. She walked in and admired the walls adorned with books. She always loved the way libraries make her feel.

She wandered around the library until she found an open table in the back of the building. Sitting next to that table was a boy occupied with a book. Madison looked closer to see that he was reading a book by her favorite author, Holly Jackson. She instantaly became drawn to the boy. She glances as him every one in a while, but he eventually looked up at her. Madison's eyes widened as she made eye contact with the boy and she quickly hid her head back in her biology book.

She hears a chair push and instantly thinks the boy was weirded out and decided to leave. Instead, another chair, one closer to her, pushes and she looks up. The boy moved to sit across from her.

"I'm Luke." The boy says. Madison smiles softly as he talks.

"I'm Madison." She introduces herself. Luke smiles and reopens the book he was reading.

"Your biology book is upside down." Luke smirks and doesn't look back up at the now embarrassed girl. Madison quickly changes her book to be right side up.

"I don't know what your talking about." Madison laughs. Luke smiles and shakes his head at her. Madison actually goes to read her book this time, taking notes after every chapter. The two sit in silence, but yet they were comfortable with each other.


"Hey, Luke." Madison greets. Luke doesn't smile when he sees her. She notices the change in behavoir and quickly goes to question it.

"Are you okay? You're not smiling." Madison asks. Luke shrugs.

"I won't be going to school here anymore. I lost my scholarship." Luke states like it doesn't matter. Madison's eyes widen.

"So you're just leaving? What about me? Are we still going to talk?" Madison asks, quickly becoming concerned for their new friendship.

"What about you? Madi, I lost a scholarship! I'm out of school, I need to try and get in somewhere else and your worried about you?" Luke's voice raises in pitch. He clearly didn't want to have this conversation. Madison scoffs.

"I get you need to go and get into a new school, but your also my best friend and sometimes, I don't think I'm yours. Just tell me if your still going to try and be my friend." Madison says. Luke rolls his eyes.

"Maybe we'll find out later on down the road, but right now, I'm not worried about you and me. I think I need to focus on my future that might be falling apart right now." Luke states without giving an answer to Madison. She nods.

"Okay then. Go focus on your future. I'll leave you alone." Madison leaves the library, the spot she'll never love as much again.


Luke never called her. Luke now had another best friend that Madison saw herself in. They met in a library, hung out there all the time.

Madison never found another friend. She just found herself and what she really wanted. She wanted to live her life to the fullest, not wait for other to want her. She found herself in for a good future.

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