I Do Love You

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Nick Moldenhauer
366 words
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Nick was never the type of guy to study a little everyday. He only crammed before tests. He should probably be studying with his girlfriend, but instead he's just watching her.

Nick watched as her pencil skimmed over the words she was reading, how her hair fell in front of her face even after she pushed it back with her hand, and how she looked up at the wall in front of her when she repeated certain words to herself.

He watched as her eyes shifted over to him. y/n smiled and shook her head.

"You're supposed to be doing something, not looking at me." y/n laughed. Nick shrugged.

"Well, I love looking at you." Nick smiled. y/n rolled her eyes playfully.

"You should love looking at your notes, too." y/n said as she turned back to her notes on the desk in front of her. Nick let himself go quiet as she watched her again.

He loved how she laughed at stupid jokes. He loved how she could get along with anyone if she wanted too. He loved that she loved to read. He loved how she wore his jersey to every one of his home games. He loved everything about her... he might as well just love her.

Oh my god. I love her.

Nick's eyes widened at the thought. Then y/n looked back at him again. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I-I love you." Nick said. His eyes widened even more as he realized what he said.

"That's not wrong, I just- I was thinking about it and I came to the conclusion that I do love you and it just surprised me when I thought it." Nick rushed through his words. y/n smiled at his rambling.

"I love you too." She said back. Nick smiled and his heart stopped racing.

"Well, my love, you should come sit with me. Since you do love me." Nick said. y/n laughed as she got up from her seat at her desk and went to sit next to Nick.

"I do love you." y/n grins as and leans into Nick, her lips crashing against his.

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