I like you

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Nico hischier
440 words
PT2 of Dress

"I love you."

Those three words replayed in Nico's head the entire day. He was supposed to be focused on helping his team today, but he couldn't stop thinking about y/n. Did he love her? He didn't know.

Yeah, yesterday was special to him, but did he love her? He did kiss her because he wanted to, that had to mean something.

"Nico." Jack says in the lockeroom. The team was getting ready to go back to their houses, but Nico was the last one left.

"Are you okay, man?" Jack asks his captain. Nico doesn't know whether to nod or to shake his head no.

"I don't know." Nico says. Jack walks from the door to next to Nico.

"What are you caught up about?" Jack asks. Nico sighs before answering.

"I did something with someone I really care about yesterday and I don't know how I feel about her. She's so special to me, but I don't know if she's special in a romantic way." Nico says. It feels like a weight was put on his shoulders since yesterday, but it just gets heavier when he tells Jack.

"This is about y/n/n isn't it?" Jack says.

"Yeah." Nico replies. Jack sighes.

"Well, whenever she's around you how do you feel?" Jack asks.

"I mean I'm excited to be around her and she makes me feel really appreciated." Nico says. He thinks about all the times she's been seated at the glass for his hockey games. He stopped celebrating when she's there and when he scored because watching her celebrate for him is enough.

"You like her." Jack says. Nico snaps out of his trance as he looks at Jack.

"What?" Nico says with slight confusion. All he did was talk about her for one sentence.

"You told me about her and then you did the thing where you think about her and smile without knowing." Jack stated. Nico nodded.

"Okay yeah I might like her." Nico said. Jack laughed and walked out of the lockeroom.


Nico was standing in front of y/n's house. He had knocked on the door not to long ago and he heard her running to the door. She opened it and her eyes widened.

"Hey Ni-" Nico leaned in and connected his lips with hers. He pulled away and took in a breath.

"I like you." Nico said.

"I'm sorry I didn't say something the other day." Nico said. y/n just smiled.

"I'll forgive you if you be my boyfriend." y/n told Nico with a smirk.

"Of course." Nico said as he leaned into the girl again.

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