Marry You

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1361 words
Cole Caufield
Requested by @chateaugay678

A/N: The word "queer" is being used in this chapter to discribe someone who is gay. It is not in use as a slur.

"And Drysdale scores!" y/n cheers for her brother. Team Canada was in the lead and USA was losing. They were going to lose, she was sure of it.

Then Caufield took the puck down the ice after Hughes won the face-off. There was something about the way he skated along the ice. He was so graceful, yet rough, and her eyes never left him, even as he scored to re-tie up the game.

She felt like cheering as the boy scored. Then he got an assist barely 30 seconds later. USA was in the lead and y/n was sad, but yet happy for the short boy. She just didn't know why.


y/n and Jamie Drysdale walked out of the rink, tears streaming down the taller boy's cheeks. y/n knew this game was important to him, but yet they lost.

y/n ran into something, or someone. She looked up, or should I say right in front of her, to see Caufield. Jamie wiped the tears from his cheeks as he looked away from the group of USA boys.

A taller boy in the back of the group watched Jamie with a frown. Jamie's heartbroken state didn't hide itself well. Zegras, I believe, walked over to him and tried to calm him down.

Caufield just stared at the girl in front of him wearing a Team Canada jersey. y/n's eyes never left the shorter boy in front of her.

"I'm Cole Caufield." He said with a smile. y/n's weary expression didn't change as the boy talked.

"y/n Drysdale." The girl's eyes trail to her brother who seems to have calmed down a little, but is also intimidated by the overly energetic boy.

"He's not taking the loss very well is he?" Cole asks. y/n shakes her head.

"He had a lot of people watching him today. He felt as if his entire future was on the line. He'll be okay though." y/n said, watching the American boy's reaction.

"Is he trying to get into a certain college?" Cole asks curiously. y/n shakes her head with a small smile.

"NHL. He's already taken an offer for school." Cole's eyes widen. The boys around him, who previously weren't talking, are now walking towards a car, assumably theirs.

"NHL? This early?" Cole asks, surprised. y/n nods and looks at her brother again, who seemed to have warmed up to the energetic boy.

"He's trying so hard to go in the first round. I don't know about you, but I think he's already got that." y/n says with a smile. Cole nods.

"He's a really good player. I hope to play against him in the NHL. Maybe I'd get to see you again too." By the end of the sentence, a car pulls up next to the the four, honking at Cole and Zegras.

"Trevor, Cole! We need to get back to the hotel. Parents and press are waiting." The driver, Turcotte, yells with the window down. Trevor, without Jamie's permission, pulls him in for a tight hug. Jamie doesn't hug back, but the blush on his face shows as Trevor pulls away from him. Jamie does a tiny wave as Trevor hops into the back of the car.

"I'll see you. Tell your brother he's a really good player and no doubt, he's going to go high in the draft." Cole says as he hops into the car also. y/n smiles at the short boy, waving as he hopped into the car.

"Jamie, are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't stop Zegras from walking up to you." y/n says to Jamie. He shakes his head with a faint smile on his face.

"He's nice." Jamie whispers to his sister. Her eyes widened at the way Jamie was acting.

"You like him?" y/n smirks with an eyebrow raised. Jamie rolls his eyes and turns his body to walk back to the car. y/n follows him, one pace behind until they reach the car.

"You do don't you!" y/n yells with a smile. Jamie's eyes widen and he goes to cover his sister's mouth.

"Just, don't yell." Jamie scolds. y/n nods. She fakely locks her mouth and puts the key in her pocket. Jamie shakes his head with a smile as he gets into the car, his sister following behind him.

Jamie's eyes wander to the building before him. The feeling of loss keeps coming back and y/n knows.

"Caufield said to tell you, you're going to do great in the draft. He thinks you're an amazing player and can't wait to play against you again." y/n reveals. Jamie nods, but yet looks down in his lap and lets another tear slip.

Before the two leave, y/n pulls out her phone and DM's Trevor.


Jamie's upset again.

Oh no :(
Should I call him?
Would he think that's weird?

You've seemed to cheer
him up pretty well.
It'll be okay.

Okay I'll call him.

Jamie gasps as his phone rings.

"Who decided calling right now was a good idea?" Jamie complains. y/n shakes her head as she begins to drive out of the parking lot.

"Trevor?" Jamie questions. The words of the other boy were muffled through the screen. Jamie seemed to calm as Trevor talks.


"Trevor and Jamie, huh?" Cole says with a shrug.

"They seem really happy together, but yet, Jamie likes him and Trevor his just... oblivious." y/n sighs. Cole's silent on the other side of the phone.

"He's not oblivious. He sees so much more than people thinks and trust me, he knows Jamie likes him. He's just scared. He likes Jamie too, but there's not a lot of acceptance in his family around him being queer." Cole said, his frown leaking through the phone with his words. y/n sighed.

"I used to be like that with Jamie, but I stood by him through everything and our parents decided to change their mind. I know there's still part of them that just wants to scream at him and tell him it's wrong, but they're trying." y/n says, Jamie and Trevor found comfort in each other because of the things that happened in the past.

"I've got to go. My roommate just got home. Nous parlerons plus tard, mon amour." Cole rushes the ending of his sentence and y/n just catches what he said. Cole doesn't have a roommate. He loves her.

"Je t'amie." y/n says back before hanging up. She just stared at her phone. She actually just did that.


Holy shit, she speaks french. That was not supposed to happen. She said it back though. He literally called her 'my love' and she said 'I love you'.

Cole quickly called her back. She answered after the first ring.

"I love you, y/n." Cole said with a pleading voice. He could hear y/n breathing through the phone.

"I love you too, Cole." y/n practically whispered. The two sat there on the phone, silently.

"Does this mean you're my boyfriend?" y/n asked. Cole laughed.

"I would marry you right now if I could." Cole responded. He could hear y/n's smile through the phone.

"I'm down." y/n said. Cole didn't know if she was joking or not.

"I mean, next Ducks vs Habs. Let's just get married legally, no big wedding until we're sure people won't judge us." Cole said.

"We can get married in Caufield and Drysdale jerseys, but when they announce us married I should put on a Caufield jersey." y/n laughed at the thought. It made sense, but yet getting married in hockey jerseys?

"I actually love that idea. I'll bring two jerseys instead of one and I bet you already have one of Jamie's." Cole said. His excitement was contagious, but yet neither of them knew if they were joking.

I guess we'll never know.

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