Brother's Best Friend

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Trevor Zegras/Quinn Hughes
1736 words
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Trevor and Quinn have always liked each other. They've hooked up a few times during the summer, but neither of them could do an actual relationship.

Quinn was the last player to walk out of the locker room in Vancouver. He was always last. Trevor knew this. Since Trevor was always first he decided to go wait for Quinn outside the lockeroom.

When Quinn walked out his eyes widened at the sight of Trevor. Trevor smiled at the boy and quickly wrapped his arms around him.

"It's been a couple months since we saw each other, yeah?" Trevor said with a smile. Quinn nodded.

"Since I left to come back here during summer." Quinn said. Trevor pulled one of Quinns bags off of his shoulder and put it on his own.

"The bus left also. You'll need to take me to the hotel." Trevor said with a smile. Quinn would do anything for Trevor, so taking him to a hotel was the least of his worries. The two walked out to Quinn's car and places his bags in the back. Trevor got into the passengers seat and Quinn got into the drivers seat. The moment Trevor opened his mouth to talk, Quinn leaned over the center council and places his lips on Trevors. Quinn pulled away and licked his lips.

"Be quiet for just a moment, yeah?" Trevor nodded quickly as his cheeks turned a bright pink. Quinn looked round the parking lot calmly, until one person caught his eye. One person with a camera. One person with a camera pointed at him and Trevor. The camera flashed and the person quickly ran away.

"Shit." Quinn said as he started to car to drive back to his house.

"What happened?" Trevor said with a confused face. Quinn didn't look at Trevor as he drove, but Trevor wished he did. Instead, Quinn spoke to him.

"They got a picture of us. Damn it, I'm so sorry Trev, I didn't know he was there." Trevor shrugged.

"At least everyone will know I'm off limits." Trevor said with an amused smile. Quinn shook his head.

"Hockey isn't an inclusive sport Trev. Players are going to target you because of me. I didn't want us interfering with hockey. I don't want you getting hurt." Quinn said with a distressed voice. Quinn took one hand off of the wheel and placed it on Trevor's thigh. Trevor's mind went crazy. Quinn was right, but Quinn's hand distracted Trevor from thinking of what could happen.

"We'll both be okay, Q-Ball." Trevor said as he placed his hand on Quinns. The corners of Quinn's mouth curved up.

"In an emotional moment you use Q-Ball?" Quinn laughs out. Trevor gasps.

"I love my Q-Ball!" Trevor said as his offended facade fell and he leaned over to Quinn and peppered kisses along the side of his face. Quinn laughed as he pulled into the driveway of his house. He moved slightly away from Trevor so he could get out of the car. Trevor got out after Quinn did. Trevor stood there, waiting for Quinn to get his bags. Quinn started on his way inside and Trevor followed him. Quinn placed his bag down and walked over to Trevor, who was standing there admiring the building. He grabbed Trevor by the hips and lightly pushed him against the wall. Their faces where inches apart when Quinn spoke.

"You said you love me..." Quinn said. He was thinking about in the car the entire time he was walking into his house. Trevor stays silent as Quinn moves his arms farther around his waist.

"I do... but it's so hard when you're so far away." Trevor admits. Quinn smiled as he rests his forehead against Trevor's.

"I love you, Z." Quinn whispers. He leans in again and kisses Trevor. The two stay against the wall until Quinn's phone rings. Quinn pulls away from Trevor and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He looks at all of the notifications he got as the two were on their way home and at home. Quinn answers his phone and holds it up to his ear.

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