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Jake Neighbours
Requested by @Imswagg3456788902

Mark Giordano's daughter, y/n Giordano, was dating a rookie in the NHL. Did he know? No. Was he going to find out? No.

"Hi, Jake." y/n smiled as she hugged her boyfriend in one of the many storage closets in the Scotiabank Arena.

"Hey, y/n/n." Jake Neighbours, y/n's boyfriend, greeted back. The Blues were playing the Maple Leafs in a matter of minutes and y/n wasn't going to pass up the chance of her father being busy with his team.

Her eyes never left Jake's as he leaned down to kiss her for the first time in months. Sparks flew around them, but quickly died as a Blues player called out for Jake. He sighed.

"I'll see you after, alright?" Jake said with a smile, but it slowly changed to a frown from not wanting to leave his girlfriend again. y/n nodded.

"Go out there and win. Score for me." y/n said as she hugged Jake one more time before grabbing the doornob and checking if the coast was clear. She walked out, asking Jake to wait for her to get out of the hallway before he walked out.


"And the first goal of the game is scored by Jake Neighbours!" The announcer yelled over the intercom as the goal horn sounded. Jake was surrounded by his teammates when he spotted y/n by the glass. As Jake skates next to the row of teammates by the bench his eyes never leave y/n's. When he gets through the entire line he mouths, 'for you', to her.

y/n's heart melts. She wished she could cheer for him, but with her dad on the other team, she couldn't. With her dad telling her, 'don't date hockey players, I hear their conversations,', she couldn't. But, maybe one day she could. Her love-filled smile made it's way to Jake, making his smile grow.


y/n ran to the visitor's locker room, trying to get there before her father was out of his locker room. He expected her to be waiting for him at the end of every game he was at.

"Jake!" She whisper-yelled. Jake turned away from the camera's and stood infront of her, not letting her be shown if one of those cameras turned around to face him.

"Hey, baby." Jake grined. He leaned into y/n, his frame hiding her from the people around them, and he kissed her.

"Congratulations on the win." y/n whispered so her voice wasn't picked up on cameras or recorders.

"Thank you, y/n/n." Jake whispered back. He wraps his arms around her, y/n's arms wrapping around his neck in response.

"Are you ready for the long distance again? Because, I'm not. I just got here yesterday and I wasn't able to see you at all." Jake frowned. y/n shook her head.

"I could ditch my dad or something, so we can try to get more time together." y/n suggested. Jake shook his head.

"Someone would know then... Do you want to risk this, risk us?" Jake asked, his hand caressing her cheek. y/n sighed.

"I don't know what to do then, Jake. I want to see you, but we can't unless we come clean." y/n whined. Jake shushed her softly to get her to whisper again, but little did he know his effort was in vain.


Jake Neighbours and y/n Giordano we're spotted outside of the visitors locker room at Scotiabank Arena talking about their, assumed, relationship. Giordano stated, "I want to see you, but we can't unless we come clean.". She was later spotted with Jake outside of the hotel the St. Louis Blues we're staying at. Is this some sort of secret relationship or is the rookie using her for an uprising?


"y/n, you have to believe me, I didn't tell them anything." Jake said as soon an y/n picked up the phone. He heard breathing on the other side of the line.

"y/n's not here." Mark Giordano said, no emotion evident in his voice. Jake doesn't say anything, but he doesn't hang up either.

"Talk to me Neighbours. Tell me about this headline." Giorando said. Jake nodded his head, knowing the older male couldn't see him on the other side. He quickly responded after.

"y/n and I are dating, and we have been for about a year now. She met me at the draft, which you were present at and we kept talking. At the game, she met me before and after it, so we could talk. I covered her from the cameras, but we were to loud that they picked up her voice. We tried setting up a plan to hang out and she came to the hotel wiith me after the game since you were with the team." Jake ranted, trying to get out as much information as possible. Mark hums on the other line.

"Why'd you keep a secret?" He asked. Jake rolled his eyes.

"Why do you think?" Jake responded instantly. His eyes widened.

"I didn't mean it like that- well, I did, but I didn't mean for the disrespect." Jake rushed his words. Mark let out a quick laugh.

"I get it. You didn't want anyone to think what they do. y/n talks about you sometimes, she makes you out to be a good kid. I'll believe everything you and her say about this." Mark said. Jake released a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Thank you, sir. But, how did you not know it was me if y/n talked about me?" Jake asked, confused by the older man's words.

"She called you puck as a code name. I thought it was just because her life revolved around hockey, but I guess it was because you played." Mark cleared Jake's thoughts with his words.

"Have a good night, Jake. I'll tell y/n you called when she gets home." Mark said. The two men shared their goodbyes and hung up.


y/n walked to the visitor's locker room to see Jake. The Blues were, yet again, playing the Maple Leafs. Jake hugged her in front of cameras and reporters. People were shocked by the acton, but y/n and Jake were happy and that's all that mattered in the end.

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