Life In Shorts

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1538 words
Quinn Hughes
Requested by @daddyjaden

"Come on, just dance with me." Quinn smiles at the girl in front of him. She was nervous about people around them watching them, taking their video just so they could brag about seeing Quinn Hughes.

"Hey, I promise there's no one here." Quinn said softly. Abby sighed as she followed Quinn out to the open patch of grass near their picknick table.

It was around 4:30pm when Quinn had told her he wanted to go on a picknick for dinner, which Abby would never say no to. Being with Quinn is so special to her and having him do something he wants and being happy makes her heart swell.

"There's no music." Abby whispers. Quinn gives her a I-was-getting-there look before he whips his phone out of his pocket and turns on some radio consisting of country love songs. He places his phone back in his pocket before grabbing Abby by the hips and swaying around with her in tow. Abby laughs as Quinn begins to sing.

"I'm speechless. Staring at you standing there in that dress." Quinn was a better singer than Abby would have thought, but he was no Jordan Davis.

"What it's doing to me ain't a secret, cause watching you is all that I can do." Abby joins in. Quinn takes her hand from around his neck and puts it above her, motioning her to spin. She does and when she stops to face Quinn again, he's down on one knee in front of her.

Abby's eyes widen and almost immediately fill with tears. Her hand flies to her open mouth, covering it. Quinn smiles at the sight.

"My angel, you've been with me for the past four years and I couldn't think of anyone else I'd want by my side. You've stuck with me throughout a lot of stress, arguments, and hectic schedules. I want to thank you for all of that, and I would like to ask if you'd go through all of those again, sticking by my side once more. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Quinn finishes his small speech by pulling out a boxed ring, opening it in front of her.

The tears pooling in Abby's eyes spill out as she mutters a yes so quietly that Quinn had to double check it was a yes. Abby nods her head yes so he can get the hint that she was going to marry him. Abby lets her left hand reach out in front of her in to the grasp of Quinn's hand. She watches as he slides the ring on her finger, the diamond sparkling in the moonlight.

Quinn get's off his knee and resists the urge to dust off his pants. Instead, he brings his arms around Abby, pulling her close to tightly hug her.

"I can't wait to marry you." Quinn whispers.


Quinn laughs as his brothers joke about their team winning the Stanley Cup this year. Jack laughs with him, but yet he still believes they have a chance. Luke just shrugs and doesn't really laugh at all.

All of the Hughes family in one place. Quinn stood there for a moment to take it all in. There wasn't a time all year they'd been able to be together as a family. Unless, of course they were playing each other, which is why everyone is here in Vancouver in the first place.

There was a knock on the door that snapped Quinn out of this thoughts. He went to go open it, expecting Abby on the other side of the door. When he opened the door she was standing there with a beaming smile and her parents beside her. She walked forward and gave Quinn a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, Angel." Quinn says as Abby walks into the house, her engagement ring adoring her finger. Quinn greets her parents and closes the door after them.

The dinner party the two family had was going extremely well, well enough that Quinn was ready to pop a new bottle of champagne and celebrate his future marriage. He takes Abby's hand as the rest of the family was talking.

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