My Love

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1204 words
Vincent Trocheck
Requested by @theicebox720

A/N: Vinc is a nickname pronounced like Vince

Vincent was attending a formal party for All-Star weekend with his best friend, and (kind of) coworker, Michelle. He was definitely, in love with her, but he didn't know if she was in love with him. Tonight was going to be the night he was going to find out, he was sure of it.

The two walked into the dimly lit ballroom side by side. It was a whole different atmosphere than Vincent expected. It's like every hockey player in the league had a connection to each other, but him. He wasn't good friends with anyone from other teams. But, he had Michelle. Michelle didn't know anyone here either.

"Michelle! You're here with Trocheck?" Jeremy Swayman, the goalie of the Boston Bruins, said with a smirk and a glace at Vincent. Michelle smiled back happily.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, it's been so long. I miss seeing you guys all the time. How has it been in Boston?" Michelle beamed as she talked to Jeremy. The two talked for a while, Vincent never spoke in their conversation. He was off to the side rocking back and forth on his heels.

"I'll let you get back to your date, Michelle. I'll tell everyone you said hi." Jeremy ended their conversation and got back to his friends and fellow players. Michelle blushed as she responded to him.

"Oh, it's not a date. But, please do tell everyone I miss them." Michelle gives Jeremy a shy smile as he walks away. He nods at the girl that's now behind him.

"So... you know Jeremy?" Vincent asks awkwardly. Michelle nods with bright eyes as she talks to Vincent.

"I used to be on the Bruins' photography team. Me and Jeremy talked all the time so we became friends pretty quickly." Michelle explains. Vincent nods as his eyes don't meet hers.

Was he jealous? What, no, Vincent Trocheck never got jealous. But, he did have to admit, seeing her light up as she talked to Jeremy made his heart hurt. He was supposed to have Michelle as his by the end of the night, but how was he supposed to do that when Jeremy was such a competitor? Did you see the glance he gave him when he saw Michelle with Vincent?

"Let's find our seats, yeah?" Michelle asks with a smile. Vincent nods, getting pulled out of his thoughts. Michelle leads him to what the two believe to be their seats. They take a seat as someone begins to speak. Vincent leans over to whisper in the girl's ear.

"Does this seem like a wedding reception to you, or is it just me?" Vincent asks lowly. Michelle nods as she lets out a quiet giggle. Vincent's heart swells at the sound.


"Care to dance?" Vincent asks Michelle. She tilts her head to the side as she answers yes. The two walk into what seems to be the center of the slow-dancing crowd.

"You were right Vinc, this really is a wedding. I mean who could be getting married? Auston Matthews and the cover of Chel?" Michelle jokes. Vincent lets out a chuckle as he places his hands on the sides of Michelle's waist. Michelle's arms go around his neck as the song plays.

The two sway back and forth as Vincent's mind races. He was going to do this. He had to.

"Hey Michelle-" Vincent gets cut off by Jeremy.

"Hey, you mind if I take her from you?"Jeremy asks Vincent. No matter how nice he wanted to be, he was going to have this moment.

"Actually, yes. I do mind. If you could find someone else to dance with right now that'd be amazing." Vincent says harshly. Michelle never heard him speak like that before, that shown how her eyes widened by his tone. Jeremy shrugged as he walked away, not caring he couldn't dance with Michelle.

Michelle watched as Jeremy walked away alone. Sure, she felt bad she couldn't dance with him, but she would rather dance with Vincent.

"Michelle, can I ask you something? It's been on my mind for a while and I need to say something about it." Vincent rambles. Michelle's smile soften at the boys nervous state. She nods.

"Would you like to go out with me? I really like you and-" Vincent was cut off again. But this time, by Michelle.

"Yes. And as much as I love your nervous rambling, you don't need to explain yourself." Michelle smiles with soft eyes. Vincent's heart pounds in his chest. He believed it was so loud Michelle could hear it.

Suddenly the song changed to a more upbeat one, making the two walk off of the dance floor and go back to their table. Jeremy was there waiting for them.

"Michelle, wanna go get a drink?" An already slightly tispy Jeremy said with a half-smile. Michelle looks over to Vincent, ready for another outburst, but it never came.

"Do you want to get one with us, big buy?" Jeremy asked. Vincent shrugged and looked at Michelle. She smiled as a way to get him to come with.

"Yeah, sure." Vincent nods. The three of them walk across the room to the open bar.


Michelle and Vincent walk out of the ballroom together. They both decided it was time to leave and get back to the slightly comfortable hotel beds.

On their way home Michelle was falling asleep on Vincent's shoulder in the back of the uber. It took everying Vincent had in him to not wrap his arms around her waist and fall asleep with her. Not only was he sure the uber driver wouldn't like it, but he was sure that when the two woke up Michelle might feel a little disturbed by the action.

The two hopped out of the Uber, Michelle still a little tired. Vincent had his hand resting lightly on the small of her back so he could catch her if she did decided to fall asleep waiting for the elevator to return to the ground floor.

She did infact fall asleep. Her body rested against Vincent as the elevator door opened. Vincent sighed as he carefully picked the girl up with one arm under her legs and the other around her back. Vincent ended up carrying her bridal style all the way to their room. He somehow got the door open easily and he closed it behind him with his foot.

Vincent walked a few steps farther to the queen sized bed waiting for the two of them to get comfy and fall asleep. He set Michelle down slightly and proceeded to take off her heels. He also took down her ponytail before he set out clothes for her on the nightstand. With the uncomfortable dress she was sure to wake up before him, so he didn't want her to worry about finding clothes in her half-asleep state.

Soon enough the blanket was over the two and Vincent was ready to go to sleep. He turned around from facing the wall to facing Michele and he raised his body up on his elbows. He proceeded to plant a faint kiss to her forehead.

"Goodnight, my love." Vincent whispered before turning around and beginning a dreamless sleep.

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