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Cole Caufield
818 words
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y/n stumbles around a party, trying to find someone she knows. She pushes past people yelling about the University of Wisconsin's hockey team's most recent win. She quickly comes face-to-face with Cole Caufield, the guy she likes. Her face turns a shade of red as she begins to speak.

"I need to get through." She whispers in the loud room. Cole raises an eyebrow at her.

"What?" He speaks lightly. y/n could hear his voice perfectly in the room. She takes a deep breath.

"I need to get through." She says a little louder this time. Cole nods and moves slightly. y/n walks by him and the entire time Cole's eyes were trained on her. When she disappears into the other room it takes him a second to look away.

y/n walks around the next room for a minute before she spots her best friend, Gracelyn. y/n lets out a sigh of relief when she finds her. She quickly walks over to her side.

"Hey, Grace. You'll never guess who I just ran into." y/n says with an excited smile. Gracelyn looks at her and takes a sip of her beer.

"Was it Cole?" Gracelyn asks with a slight smile on her face. y/n nods excitedly as she starts to giggle.

"Yeah. It was so perfect. He's so perfect. I could listen to his voice all day." y/n says with pink cheeks. Gracelyn playfully rolls her eyes at her friend.

"You are head over heels for him, aren't you?" Gracelyn says with a smile on her face. y/n shrugs and then right after, lets out a laugh.

"Hey, I'm going to get another drink. You wanna come with?" Gracelyn says as she shakes her empty glass.

"Yeah, sure." y/n says. The two girls make their way back to the kitchen. As they stand in the kitchen a group of five boys walks in. They were all wearing some kind of Wisconsin Hockey apparel. Cole was among those boys. He glanced over at Graceyln and y/n and smiled slightly. y/n smiled back, not seeing how his gaze lingered on her friend rather than her. As y/n secretly watched Cole she lost sight of where Gracelyn was. She looked around but never saw her. Her first thought was the room where she found Gracelyn originally. Right when she walking into the other room she was pulled aside. The dim lights made it so she couldn't tell who pulled her.

"Hey-" she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Kiss me." Cole murmured. y/n just stood there in shock. Her chest tightened and she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Cole grinned at the girl. Cole leaned to her ear and whispered lowly.

"Do I make you nervous?" y/n took in a sharp breath. Cole let out a breathy laugh before he spoke again.

"After all this time I didn't even know that." Cole pulled his head back to look at y/n. He leaned into her and crashed his lips against hers. y/n brought her hands up to the sides of Cole's face. The corners of her mouth turned up into a smile while kissing Cole. They two kept kissing until Cole pulled away for a moment.

"I want so you so badly, Gracie." y/n eyes widened. Cole leaned back in but y/n stopped him.

"I'll be right back." y/n said as tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't give Cole a time to say goodbye before she ran away from him. y/n made it through the front door before squeezing her eyes shut, letting tears slip down her cheeks. She sat down in the yard and cried. People watched her as she let her emotions out. She hugged her knees to her chest and sobbed.

"y/n?" Gracie called out to her. y/n looked over her shoulder at her friend and started to get up.

"You're hooking up with Cole?" y/n said as she stood with Gracelyn across from her. Gracelyn was taken aback at the statement. She avoided eye contact with y/n as she shifted her weight between her feet.

"When did it start?" y/n muttered. Gracelyn let her eyes stop on the ground infront of her.

"Last summer." Gracelyn whispered. y/n took in a breath as she looked at the girl across from her.

"You knew I liked him, Gracelyn." y/n sobbed.

"I'm sorry, okay? I know you liked him, but when an opportunity like that comes up there's only one option!" Gracelyn admitted. y/n shook her head as she took a step away from her.

"I can't believe you." y/n cried.

"FInd your own ride home, oh wait, you can just go with Cole." y/n said as she walked away from Gracelyn.

A/N: I'll try to make more romance ones rather than the hockey player being the problem/side character lol

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