Always You

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Luke Hughes
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349 words
PT3 out of 3

Quinn broke her heart a few months later. Luke was the first person to her side. He was moving to New Jersey for his first season, but he postponed it so he could fly to Vancouver and pick y/n up and take her with him. She moved in with Jack and Luke. She slept in Luke's bed with him. His arms around her reminded her she had someone there.

She woke up one morning and watched the yellow cast fade over the room. The same yellow the night she kissed Luke. Being with Quinn always felt blue. There was blue all around, and maybe that should have been a sign for her to leave.

But, everything was yellow with Luke. The sun peaking over the horizon to shine yellow on his face made her believe that. Yellow was Luke's color. He was her sun, shining through to make yellow cast upon her.

Her eyes memorized every detail of Luke's face. Her touch knew what it was like to move her fingers across his face, to feel his skin. She knew what it was like to kiss him.

Her eyes moved to his lips as his fluttered open. His eyes caught hers and they never let go. y/n took her chance, she leaned into the tired boy in front of her. She kissed him just as softly as their first time. He never pulled away. He's been waiting for this moment since y/n chose Quinn and maybe she had been waiting for this too.

Everything was slow with Luke. The way his hands moved around her body. The way his lips moved against hers. The way her feelings for him finally made themselves show. She had him in front of her this entire time and she knew it. She was just  blinded by the way Quinn was mysterious to her. She never wanted to be blinded again.

This is what she wants. She wants to wake up in Luke's arms, admire him, love him, kiss him, and she wouldn't ever dream of doing it with anyone else.

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