Only Good Decision

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Nico Hischier/Jack Hughes
771 words
Not requested

I mean, Jack knew Nico had friends in high school, but he never thought he could meet one. A pretty girl that is. When Nico first saw her it was like a part of him was right again. He laughed and hugged her (that part tore Jack's heart out) and maybe he even cried a little bit. Jack knew it was a long-time-no-see kind of reunion and he was going to let Nico have this, no matter how much it hurt.

But then she could start touching Nico. She would hold his arm while they're walking together, she would place a hand on his knee when she was talking to him while sitting, she would swing an arm around his waist when they're standing, and she would do it all the time. It made Jack sick to his stomach and he hopped it didn't show on his face or else Nico might hate him.

Jack's last straw was when she went out with the team to a party. It wasn't that part he minded since Jack knew Nico invited her, but it was when Nico (who was looking godly sitting on a couch) let her sit on his lap, no questions asked. He hooked an arm around her waist and let her sit there. Jack felt extremely sick and he decided another beer and dancing with some strangers might help.

Jack was definitely not sober when he made his way out onto the dance floor. He looked through the crowd until deciding he was okay on his own and didn't need someone to dance with. His mind was off of Nico long enough to be happy by himself. But then arms snaked around his waist and he didn't even have to look to see who is was.

"Nico..." Jack says. His attention wasn't on the words being spoken from the man behind him, but his hands that were sliding up and down his stomach. The touch left goosebumps on his skin and his heart racing.

"Why are you out here alone?" Nico asks. He rests his forehead against Jacks shoulder. The words don't come to Jack's mouth as quick as he would have wished.

"Why aren't you with y/n?" Jack asks back. He wasn't going to tell him he was alone because he was jealous of his friend. That seemed a little over the top, even between them.

"I don't like her. I mean, we're friends, but not like that. She's off with someone else." Nico says. Jack's mind runs a mile a minute as he tries to piece everything together, by the look on his face, that Nico can't see, he's struggling.

"When why are you guys so touchy?" Jack asks. He didn't mean to come off as rude, but Nico was mostly likely not sober, like him, so he shouldn't care too much.

"Because we can be. Her touching me doesn't bother me. The only touch that get's me flustered is yours." Then Jack's heart stops. He stops breathing and some people may say he turned pale if it wasn't for the heat in the room turnng his cheeks pink.

"Oh." Jack whispers. He was speechless. His touch was the only thing to drive Nico crazy and a part of him though it was impossible. Nico's hands continued to roam his body, taking his mind away from his previous words.

Nico hands settle on his hip and his makes a move to flips Jack around to face him. Nico's eyes search Jack's as for an answer other than the one given. Jack's eyes are wide and some people may call him scared, but he's just surprised. Nico notices this and he leans in, his cheek brushing Jack's own as he whispers in his ear.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. We're okay." Nico whispers. His words seem to steady jack enough that Jack gains the courage and brain capacity to place his hands on Nico's shoulder and finally look in his eyes. Nico's eyes were warm and inviting and Jack could help but want to fall into them.

"Are you okay with this?" Nico asks. His voice was soft and quiet in the loud room. Jack was practically reading his lips as he talked. Jack nodded, unable to speak. The two swayed to the upbeat music. People were jumping and dancing with lots of energy around them, but instead of taking in the music, Jack and Nico were taking in each other. Jack barely notices how Nico's eyes flicker to his lips and Jack makes the only good decision of that night.

He kisses Nico.

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