Happy Birthday

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Jakub Lauko
643 words
requested by grzelcyksgirl 🙌

"Fawn where are you going?" Their roommate Cecily asked. Fawn turned around as they reached the door.

"Out to dinner." Fawn responds as casually as possible. Cecily raises an eyebrow.

"With who?" Cecily asks. Fawn sighs as they begin to speak.

"With Johnny Beecher." Cecily giggles slightly upon hearing the boy's name.

"You're going to dinner right?" Cecily asks. Fawn nods as they turn back around to reach for the doorknob.

"It was either this or he takes me to the skating rink and I don't know how to skate, but I do know how to eat." Fawn says as they opens the door.

"Why are you even going out with him?" Cecily asks, stopping her roommate from stepping into the hallway.

"He said we haven't hung out in a while and he's right. I figured we need to catch up anyways." Fawn said with a shrug, "I'll text you if I need anything."

"Have fun!" Cecily says as Fawn walks out of the room and into the hallway, shutting the door behind them.


As they get to the restaurant they start to feel slightly nervous. This was the first time in a while that they'd see Johnny again, what if he changed? They sigh with a frown as they walk through the doors and to the waitress. She smiled as Fawn approached her.

'Good evening. Do you have a reservation with us today?" She asks and Fawn nods slightly.

"Yes. I believe it's under Beecher." The waitress looks through their list before grabbing two menus.

"Right this way." She says as she starts to walk towards the back of the building with Fawn following behind her. She brings Fawn to a table on the patio. There was no one else out there, but they didn't mind. They could eat peacefully without other people around them. They sit down and the waitress puts the menus on the table.

"Here you go. Is there anything you'd like to drink other than water?" The waitress asks. Fawn shakes their head.

"No, thank you." Fawn says and the waitress smiles and retreats back into the building. Fawn sits there by themself for the next few minutes. They were looking out at the beautiful view their table provided when the door was opened. They expected to see Johnny, but instead, there was Jakub Lauko. Fawn's face dropped as they looked at him. They never liked each other, but yet here they were. Jakub slightly smiled at them as they just stared.

"Is there anything you'd like to drink other than water, sir?" The waitress asked. Jakub shook his head.

"Alright then, I'll give you two a second to look at the menu before you order." The waitress smiles as she walks back inside.

"Where's Johnny?" Fawn asks. Jakub doesn't say anything to them.

"Why are you here, Jakub?" Fawn asks. Jakub shrugged.

"I had Johnny set this up so we could spend the evening together." Jakub says while he plays with his fingers. Fawn scoffs.

"Why do you want me here?" They ask.

"I want to get to know you better.." Jakub jokes. Fawn rolls their eyes and goes to get up.

"Where are you going?" Jakub asks with a frown on his face.

"Why do you want me to stay?" Fawn shoots back at him.

"It's my birthday." Jakub says softly.

"Oh." Fawn mumbled. They stand there for a moment before reclaiming their seat across the table from the boy.

"Happy birthday." They say softly.


Neither of them speak as they walk out of the restaurant together. Jakub glances at them as they make a turn to walk to their car.

"Fawn?" Jakub voices. They turn around and look the boy in the eyes.

"Yes?" They say back.

"Thank you for staying." Jakub says with a smile.

"Happy birthday, Jakub." Fawn says as they walk away.

a/n: my first request was a success! Please feel free to leave other requests on my request page!

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