Breathe Again

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Auston Matthews
845 words
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A/N: I took lyrics from the song 'breathe again' because I love that song and my school preformed it in show choir. If you wanna listen it's linked above.

There was nothing y/n wanted more than to be in love with someone. She wanted to give them the love she got, but she couldn't fall in love. Not with the people that were in love with her at least.

For the longest time, y/n had been in love with Auston. The only problem, she was dating William and William was in love with her. She couldn't find it in her to break someone like that. So, she stayed with William and she was planning on taking his last name all because she couldn't say no.

y/n Nylander. She could do it. All she had to say was I do and she would say it.


Walking down the aisle made time go slow. It's like someone was giving her a chance to rethink her decision. But, she didn't take it. All that was on her mind was saying yes and making her mistake permanent. She walked hoping one day she'll breathe again.

Standing with William was supposed to be magical and emotional, but the only emotion y/n was feeling was guilt. It hurt to be here with him. She was leading him on for what could be the rest of their lives... Maybe she would ruin her own life with this lie, but it'll be okay because it's for William. She was supposed to love him, so she would act like she does.

Listening to William repeat the vows was like a stab to her heart. His eyes were watering out of happiness and y/n's were because of sadness. She would soon be the one repeating the vows to him.

"I do." William says. He squeezed y/n's hands, which were in his. y/n gave him the realist smile she could manage. She looked to the priest and took in a deep breath. It was her turn.

"I d-"

"Please don't do this." A voice calls out from William's groomsmen. And just like that, William's world comes crashing down. He watches as y/n's eyes widen when she turns her head and looks past William. The way her eyes shine and her mood changes from calm... to in love. His eyes trace hers and he sees Auston with his eyes on her.

"Auston..." y/n whispers loud enough for William to hear even if she didn't mean for him to. She drops her hands from his. She could breathe again.

"Don't do this, y/n." Auston says again. It looks like she's about to nod, but she stops herself. It would be even more pain for William to go through. Her eyes flutter to William for a moment before moving back to Auston.

"Why not?" y/n asks. She knows why. She doesn't love William and she won't ever love him. Auston sighs and takes a step forward out of the line of groomsmen.

"Because you don't love him. You never have." Auston says. y/n's heart picks up speed and William turns his head back to her. He can tell there's no lie in his words just based off of the scared expression on y/n's face.

"You love me. I know you do. Please give me a chance to love you..." Auston says so only him, William, and y/n hear. y/n feels like running away. She knows both boys will find her at some point, so she stands there and takes in the crazed gazes of everyone in the audience.

"Auston, I..." y/n doesn't know what to say. She doesn't want to hurt William, but she already has. She does want to go with Auston, but she doesn't want either of them to be seen as horrible people. Auston a homerecker, y/n a lying bride. Maybe that's what makes them perfect together.

Then Auston's lips were on hers. A tear slips from her closed eye, but she takes in the feeling of Auston being hers, even if she did just belong to someone else. Auston pulls away from her and neither of them look into the crowd. y/n knew people would be furious for breaking William's heart and she couldn't face it right now. She looks at William and she watches as his red eyes release another tear.

"William... I was scared to say no to you. I didn't want to hurt you." y/n cries. William nods, but yet frowns.

"That's okay. I'll find someone else. Go with him." William smiles, but it crumbles fast. He didn't want to find someone else because he's already in love. y/n's heart shatters at the sight of the broken man, but yet, she listens to his words and she walks down the aisle with Auston by her side.


y/n sat alone in her former dressing room. Clothes from the bridesmaids and her were thrown everywhere from when they were trying to get everything perfect for the occasion. She looked at her wedding dress which she laid perfectly on the bed. All those amazing memories ruined by the thought of a damaged wedding.

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