Why Not Me

978 10 1

Luke Hughes
Not requested
643 words
PT 2 out of 3

"Holy fuck, you kissed Quinn!?" Luke exclaims randomly that night. y/n eyes widened and her chest tightened. Was he mad? Was he jealous?


"I have a photo, y/n. You can't lie to me." Luke said, his voice suddenly more quiet than before. y/n nodded and brought the blanket she was under up to her nose.

"I did, but..." y/n's voice trailed off. Luke huffed.

"But, what, y/n?" Luke asked sassily.

"But, I don't know! It wasn't an accident! He asked to kiss me and I said yes!" y/n panicked, about what she didn't know. She didn't have any excuse. Luke shook his head and looked down at the ground.

"Why Quinn? Why not me?" Luke asked, his voice quiet for the first time in this conversation. y/n didn't know what to say. She didn't want Luke. That's all.

"Quinn's different. When we met yesterday his eyes didn't trail straight to my body like Jack's did. He looked me in my eyes and it made me feel seen. His voice makes me feel comfortable and no matter what he says it feels like he's only talking to me. There's something so familiar about the way he moves. It seems careful and calculated, but it comes so naturally like he's done them thousands of times." y/n did not know where that came from. Maybe she should have said no when Quinn asked to kiss her.

"And why not me?" Luke whispered. y/n sighed.

"I see you as a brother, as someone I can't be with because losing our friendship will hurt more than any break up you give me." y/n said. She looked at Luke with a soft frown.

"Can you just do it once? Kiss me once?" Luke asked as he walked closer to the bed y/n was laying on. It'll give him comfort, closure. She should do it. But, Quinn.

He can't be too upset, can he?

y/n nods.

"Just once." She repeats to herself, to Luke, to let both of them know this is temporary. Luke moved himself to where he was leaning over her, his hand stroking her cheek. y/n let out an uneasy breath before Luke slowly leaned into her.

Their lips barely touched as they kissed each other. Luke pulled away from her. His hand still held her face as he looked into her eyes.

Fear, love, rejection, empathy. That's all he could see in her eyes, her shining hazel eyes. He kissed her again. If he didn't he was going to feel the uncomfortable feeling of... losing her? Missing her? Never having her in the first place?

y/n lightly pushed him back. Luke followed suit and picked his hand up from off her face.

"I'm not leaving you, Luke." y/n reminded him. He nodded and looked to the ground.

"It'd be easier if you did." Luke laughs, a short, painful laugh.

"I'd stop loving you and everything would go back to the way it was." Luke said, his eyes dimming. y/n sighed before sitting up to sit next to Luke.

"One hug before I go." y/n said. She hadn't planned on leaving him alone, but being in another room without him would be easier for the both of them. She was retreating to Quinn's room, to his comforting words and easy smile.

Luke latched to her like it was the last time he'd ever see her. It wasn't going to be. Neither of them wanted it. y/n wrapped her arms around Luke, holding him tight.

"It'll be okay." She whispered. Luke pulled away and nodded. y/n let her hand slide off of his shoulder as she walked to the door. She wished she'd looked back at him to see his heartbroken face. Maybe she would have chosen him.

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