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quinn hughes
1248 words
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"y/n, please go invite someone other than our family. This is a party not a family reunion." Emily, y/ns mom, said.

"Cecily is working a night shift, James is out of town, and everyone else doesn't want to come." y/n said. Emily stood for a moment.

"Go invite the neighbors. I'm pretty sure they have a few kids around your age." Emily said.

"I don't have a choice do I?" y/n asked. Emily shook her head.

"Now get going, we don't want to have an even later notice." Emily said. y/n got up off the couch and slipped on her shoes. She started the quick walk to the house that to the left of her own. As she made it to the door she took a deep breath. She knocked on the door and waited. The door opened not to later.

"Hello dear." A woman said. y/n smiled.

"Hi, I'm y/n. I live next door and we're having a small party today and we'd like it if you'd come. You're family too." y/n said. The women thought for a moment.

"We'd love to. I'm Ellen by the way. Ellen Hughes." Ellen smiled and continued.

"Is there a time you'd like us to be there?" She asked.

"We've told guests to arrive around 6." y/n said. Ellen nodded.

"See you then, y/n." y/n waved and walked away as Ellen closed the door.

It was now 6:30 and there was a good amount of people at y/n's house. She was waiting in the kitchen with a soda in her hand when her mom walked in.

"The Hughes are here. If you'd like to show them to the living room, you can." Her mom said. y/n nodded and started her way down a small hallway to the left of the living room. She made it to the door and opened it seeing her neighbors on the other side.

"Hi, please come in." y/n said kindly. Ellen smiled at the girl as the young boys behind her sort of stared.

"y/n, this is my husband Jim, and my sons, Luke, Jack, and Quinn." Ellen said at she pointed to each of them.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys." y/n said.

"You don't have to worry about shoes or anything. We typically move outside onto the patio with everyone here." y/n says to the family.

"Everyone this way, I'll take you to my mom first so you guys can officially meet." y/n says to the group, mostly Ellen and Jim. As they make it to the room with all the guests Emily spots them. She dismisses her conversation and walks up to them.

"Hi, I'm Emily. Thank you for coming." She says to the fellow parents while shaking their hands.

"Thank you for having us. I'm Ellen and this is Jim. The boys are Luke, Jack, and Quinn." She says to Emily. The adults kick it off well and head off to the kitchen to get a drink. The kids stand there awkwardly.

"You have a nice house." Luke says. Jack elbows him in the side.

"What, I'm just trying to make conversation!" Luke whisper-shouts, but y/n still heard him. Jack and Luke continue to bicker back and forth.

"I'm sorry about them. They're always like this." Quinn says. He holds out his hand.

"I'm Quinn. We're in the same grade I think." He says. y/n takes his hand and shakes it.

"I'm y/n. We are in the same grade." y/n smiles at Quinn.

"Do you want something to drink? We can just leave them here." y/n says. Quinn shrugs.


After a couple hours Quinn and y/n have become good friends. The two are now outside sitting in the grass with some of the adults on the patio. y/n's phone goes off and she checks her notification.

"We're back in town so I can try to pick up Cecily so we can come over?"

"yess james yess."

y/n puts her phone back down.

"Sorry my friend texted. He's on his way over." y/n said to Quinn. Quinn nodded.

"So it won't be just us anymore?" He asked with a slight sad tone in his voice.

"It's going to be a while before he gets here anyways.." y/n says. The two go quiet and y/n decides to change the subject.

"Do you want to see my room?" She asks and she was quickly embarrassed. She looked away from Quinn.

"I'm sorry that's like a second grade question." She says as her face heats up.

"I'd love to." Quinn said, ignoring her embarrassment. He starts to get up and y/n follows suit. The two walk through the sliding doors and into the house. There was now more people then when the Hughes' showed up so y/n grabs Quinn's hand and pulls him after her. As she makes her way up the stairs, where there are no more people, she still doesn't let go of his hand. She opens her door and leads him into her room.

"You watch hockey?" He asks after seeing the Vancouver Canucks posters on the walls.

"Yeah. Do you?" She asks Quinn after letting go of his hand.

"Yeah. I play it actually. You should come to one of my games." He says.

"I will one day." y/n says. The air becomes awkward and y/n is quick to change that.

"Do you want to play chel?" y/n asks as she picks up two controllers.

"Sure." Quinn says as he grabs a controller from y/n.

"You can sit on my bed if you don't want to stand." y/n says as she gets their game all set up. Quinn takes a seat and y/n is soon to join him.

After a while the two have played multiple games, Quinn being the ultimate winner. y/n lays back on her bed and sighs.

"How late is it?" She asks. Quinn checks his phone.

"Almost 11:30." He says with a yawn.

"What ever happened to your brothers?" y/n asks again. Quinn shrugged.

"Maybe they're still in the same spot and still arguing."


It's currently midnight and James and Cecily just left. They're friends of y/n and they ended up finding Jack and Luke instead of her so they hung out until they needed to leave. And now the Hughes family needs to leave. Jack walks around the house trying to find Quinn. He opens a door to a bedroom and his eyes widen in shock. Quinn was asleep with his head resting on y/n's chest with his arms around her waist. Her arms were loosely wrapped around Quinn also. Jack pulls out his phone and gets a quick picture before shaking Quinn slightly. Quinn wakes up and pulls himself away from y/n.

"We're leaving, let's go." Jack says to Quinn as he slowly gets up from the bed. The brothers leave the room and Quinn closes the door behind him. They make their way downstairs where Emily is saying goodbye to the rest of the Hughes.

"Thank you for coming. It was nice getting to know you guys." Emily said as the Hughes' start making their way out of the door.

"Bye Emily. We'll see you soon!" Ellen says as she closes the front door. What a night.

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