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Dawson Mercer/Jesper Bratt
911 words
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Dawson Mercer showed up to the team dinner with a girl latched onto his arm. y/n wasn't there to notice. Dawson didn't invite her.

Dawson Mercer skated around the ice during warm-ups, sometimes standing by the glass in front of the girl wearing his jersey. y/n watched his every move. Dawson didn't see her.

y/n l/n watched the girl cheer as Dawson scored his first goal of the season. Dawson skates to her as he celebrates. Dawson didn't even spare a glance at y/n.

y/n l/n watched as Nico Hischier pointed out the girl's distraught state to Dawson. Dawson shrugged and moved his eyes from her to the game. Dawson didn't check up on her during halftime like usual.

Dawson Mercer walked out of the locker room after their team's win. He engulfed his girl in a hug, just as he would normally hug y/n. y/n's eyes met his as she held out the jersey with his number on it. Dawson didn't take it.

Dawson Mercer stood against a wall in Timo's apartment with his arm slung over the girl. Jack asked where y/n was. Dawson didn't know.

Dawson Mercer woke up the next morning with his and her clothes thrown on the floor. Dawson looked at the girl in his t-shirt next to him. He felt gross as he left her apartment.

y/n l/n blocked his number. Dawson showed up to her house anyway. y/n looked at his frail state and slowly started to cave. Dawson cried as she embraced him.

y/n l/n listened to Dawson's cries. She loved him, but he didn't know. Dawson didn't know how he was replacing y/n in his life until she finally spoke. Dawson promised her she would always be the most important girl in his life.

y/n l/n felt her heartbreak as Dawson kissed her. He's never done that before and she knew it was just for comfort. Dawson comforted her as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Dawson Mercer stayed over at y/n's house that night. They slept as Dawson held y/n. She didn't want to admit it. It was the best sleep she's had in a long time. Dawson left the next morning.

Dawson didn't see her after practice. He called her late at night and asked if he could come over. y/n hesitated before she said he could. They slept that night, wrapped in each other's embrace.

y/n l/n always let Dawson come over. He always showed up when he said he would. They never went out together. He said he didn't want the attention.

Dawson Mercer didn't love y/n. He loved the way she let him control her. He loved how he always got his way. He just didn't love her.

y/n l/n loved Dawson. She loved how he was always smiling. She loved how he always came over and held her. She loved how he cared about other people, but she didn't see how he never really cared about her.

y/n l/n never noticed when Dawson started to come over less. He never texted her anymore. She went to a few games and he never saw her. There was always someone prettier, waiting for him after games.

y/n l/n never blocked his number. She'd wait by her phone and hoped he'd text her, telling her how he'd messed up and didn't want to see anyone else.

y/n l/n still loved Dawson. She has a new partner, but she still waits by her phone, waiting for him to call. Then he did.

Dawson Mercer knew what he was doing. He knew y/n would still do anything for him, so he called her. He wanted someone he could kiss and leave the next morning, and it was her.

Dawson Mercer had a new girlfriend. y/n didn't know as she gave in to Dawson and they spent the night together. y/n ignored her mind, screaming and telling her to stop kissing him. She knew he'd leave, but he was back, and that's all that mattered to her.

y/n l/n woke up alone. Her heart got heavier as she felt the bed where Dawson laid the night before. The only reminisce of him was his scent the the text message he left.

Dawson Mercer acted like nothing happened when y/n came to the team dinner. He ignored her the entire time, but yet still begged to go home with her. She always agreed. She always knew she shouldn't.

Dawson Mercer stayed holding y/n the entire night. He was there when she woke up. y/n pretended to be asleep so he'd stay. And he did.

y/n l/n knew she loved Dawson, but she also knew that there was someone there for her. She felt something she'd never felt as his lips touched hers. Jesper didn't fill his mind with lust as he kissed her. y/n then knew Dawson wouldn't ever touch her like this.

y/n l/n will always love Dawson. Dawson will always not love her. Jesper will always shower her with love. y/n can learn to love Jesper. y/n knows she will end up loving Jesper, but Dawson will always be the one for her.

and y/n l/n is okay with that.

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