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nico hischier
1259 words
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"Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you can take it off"

y/n waits for her best friend Nico to pick her up for the team dinner. y/n thinks about why she bought her dress while she looks in the mirror. It was a short dark red dress with a slit down the side. The girl in the mirror thought she was going to wear it for herself, but the moment there's a knock on the door her thoughts stop.

"Come in." She says. The door opens and standing there is Nico. He's wearing black dress pants and a black button-up.

She only bought this dress so he could take it off.

"Hey." y/n whispers. Nico nods.

"Are you ready to go?" Nico asks. The girl nods and she walks out of her room with Nico following behind her.

The two make it to the team dinner and walk to the long table reserved for them. Most of the team and their significant others are there. Nico and y/n sit down next to each other. y/n greets most of the girls and only some of the players. She doesn't really know some of them.

I little further into the night y/n and Jack, who was sitting next to her, were having a very loud conversation. They laugh together and smile at the stupid things, but that's until Nico says her name.

"y/n." Everything just stops. y/n looks over at Nico, ignoring everything else around her.

"Do you want me to get you another drink?" y/n shakes her head.

"Just a water, I'm done drinking for tonight." She says as she watches Nico get up and go to the bar.

"He's not just a best friend is he?" Jack says, snapping the girl out of her trance. y/n looks back at Jack and smiles and she looks down.

"He's never been just a best friend." y/n responds just as Nico comes back. He sets y/n's water down in front of her.

"Thank you, Nico." y/n says.

"Of course." Nico responds.

Later that night the two are in the car on the way back to y/n's house.

"Do you remember when you met me?" y/n asks.

"You had bleached hair and I wanted to get a buzz cut, but you stopped me." Nico responds without looking at her.

"I love your long hair." y/n says. Nico hums. y/n suddenly moved and wrapped an arm around Nico's arm which was resting on the center council. She leans onto him, resting her head on his shoulder. Nico moves his hand and intertwines his fingers with hers.

Nico turns the car off and walks inside with y/n. He lets her walk in front of him when she walks into her room. Nico waits at the door for her to tell him she's okay for him to leave. She stands in the middle of the dark room with her back facing Nico. She leans her head to the ground before whispering.

"Come here Nico." She whispers. He slowly walks to where she is in the middle of the room. She turns around and takes a step closer to him. They were now closer than two friends should be. y/n moves her head closer to his and Nico meets her in the middle, their lips meeting also. Nico places one arm around her waist and his other hand against the back of her head. y/n's hands quickly go the the sides of Nico's face, holding him against her for as long as she can before he pulls away.

The two stand and look at each other for a moment before they lean back in. Nico backs y/n to her bed where he lays her down. He pulls away again and kisses her cheek.

"Do you want to do this?" He whispers to her. y/n nods.

"Only bought this dress so you can take it off." y/n says back before raising herself up to meet Nico's lip again. Nico's hands trail over her sides and down to the bottom of her dress. He then slowly moved the dress up her legs and to her waist. He pulls away to look at her again for reassurance. y/n nods and Nico sits up, y/n following suit. Nico slowly lifts the dress over her head. He throws it to the side before looking over y/n's body.

"You're gorgeous." Nico mutters. y/n's face heats up under his gaze. She quickly moves and starts to unbutton Nico's shirt. He grabs her hands away and lightly pushes her back down onto the bed.

"I've got it. You won't have to do a single thing tonight." Nico says and he finishes unbuttoning his shirt. He throws it near y/n's dress.

Nico leans back over y/n and starts to kiss down her jaw. He plants kisses all the way to her collarbone, where y/n lets out a small whimper when he starts sucking on the area. y/n puts a hand through Nico's hair and she tugs on it. Nico groans and pulls away from her shoulder, admiring the new color he put there.

Nico's hand slips behind y/n back as he unclips her strapless bra. Nico pulls it away from her skin and let it fall to the ground with the rest of their clothes.

Nico returns to kissing y/n's lips and he lets his hands glide over the girl's body. With one hand he rubs her hip, just below her underwear.

"Can I?" Nico pulls away from y/n to ask.

"You can do anything you want." y/n says to Nico. Not too long after her underwear is discarded to the ground and Nico has a hand slipped between her legs. y/n moans as Nico slips a finger into her. He pumps his hand slowly as y/n squirms on the bed.

"Oh my god, Nico." y/n moans.

"You're doing amazing, love." Nico praises as he adds another finger into her. Nico watches as y/n's back arches off the mattress. He moves his fingers faster and y/n gasps.

"Oh right there." y/n says breathlessly. Nico chuckles at the girl. Her legs begin to close as she gets closer to her climax.

"Keep your legs open for me, baby." Nico says to her.

"I'm so close, Nico." y/n whimpers.

"I know baby, I know." Nico says before kissing the girl again. She quickly pulls away from him and moans again.

"I-I'm" Nico cuts her off.

"Cum for me." He says and y/n tightens around his fingers. He pulls his hand out of her and brings his hand to his mouth. He licks his fingers off and then leans down to the tired girl and kisses her.

"You did amazing." Nico says. y/n hums.

"That was so good." y/n says and Nico gets off the bed and grabs a clean towel and a t-shirt from her closet. He quickly wipes her down and then hands her back her underwear and the new shirt. As she puts them on Nico stands up and strips out of his pants, leaving him in his boxers. He lays down next to y/n, pulling her close to him. Before they both fall asleep y/n whispers three words.

"I love you."

A/N: the amount of times I rewrote this was insane. also a part two is coming so stay tuned for that. my first smut in this book and hopefully it was somewhat good.

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