Hate You

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Luke Hughes
1101 words
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y/n hates him. Luke always bothered her for some reason and he knew. Every day was a battle of insults between the two of them and y/n just can't do it today.

Her first thought was to skip the classes that he was in, but it'd seem obvious that she didn't want to talk with him today. She sighed as she walked into her first class, looking at the ground to try and not draw attention to herself. She took her seat next to Luke and he spoke.

"For the first time ever, y/n l/n's ego is smaller than her." Luke laughed as he talked. His smile was big as if talking to y/n was the best thing that's ever happened to him. y/n sighed.

"Can we not do this today?" y/n kept her head away from Luke, covering up her weakness. Luke's smiles dropped slightly before he spoke again.

"What, did I actually hurt you with my words last time?" Luke asked, his smirk becoming boarder from the lack of response. y/n shook her head, trying to look away from Luke before he saw what was actually wrong. y/n didn't respond.

"y/n?" Luke asked, his voice still showed he was happy, but there was a hint of confusion in his voice. y/n didn't turn to face him. She could hear Luke's sigh as he shifted in his seat and before she knew it, there was a hand on the side of her bruised face, turning it to face Luke. His hand didn't fall from her face as he looked at her red eyes and hurt cheek.

"Who did this to you?" Luke asked, his eyebrows furrowed. y/n shook her head, trying to move out of his grasp. He didn't let her.

"y/n, answer me. Who did this to you?"


y/n walked slowly on her way back to her room. Her parents were in Michigan to watch over her, for some reason. She didn't want them there, she didn't need them.

"y/n! You have to get a head start on-" Her mother was interrupted by her father, another argument brewing in the household. y/n paid for the house herself, she should be able to kick them out, but she can't.

"She doesn't need to worry about that! She needs to do-" She tries her best to tune them out, but she can't. Even when they're not here she can hear the echos of their arguments. It's like a part of her that she can only forget when she's faces with another kind of annoyance, or happiness.

"Answer me!" Something, or someone, flys across the room, hitting y/n on the cheek. She can hear her mother gasp and there's no reaction from her father, but when she looks up, all she can see is fury in his eyes.

"You- You just hit me..." y/n barely comes to the realization before her parents are packing up their things and running out of the house. He just hit her and he's trying to run away.

"You just hit me!" y/n yelled in her father's face, but then there's a bolt of anger in his expression.

"And I'm not afraid to do it again." He spoke harshly before walking out of the front door. There's a throbbing pain that y/n just noticed. The situation itself must have taken her attention away from it. y/n sighed as she walked slowly to the kitchen, making a bag of ice for her cheek.


"My dad." y/n spoke before she could stop herself. Luke's eyes widen and his whole body freezes. His grip on her face loosens. He sighed and drops his hand from her face so he can lean in and wrap his arms around her.

"I'm sorry." Luke whispered. y/n's eyes are wide as she registers what's happening. Her arms move by themself to wrap around him. There's something about his embrace that makes y/n think that there isn't that much hate between them as she throught there was. His hold was strong and protective, the exact things y/n needed. It's like he knew what she needed, it's like he cared.

But, he doesn't. He shouldn't. If he didn't care before, why would he care now?

y/n pushed herself away from him, her chair making a noise as it moved against the ground. She quickly got out of her seat, grabbing her bag, and she ran out of the classroom. She left Luke behind. She didn't look to see his face as she ran out, but she imagined he was hurt. She knew he could be, but she just... couldn't do it.


There was a knock on her front door as y/n was watching hockey. She looked to the door as if she would be able to see who was on the other side, but she know she couldn't. She was afraid of who it could be. I could be her father. It would be her mother, afraid of being hit like y/n.

"y/n/n?" A voice sounded from the other side of the door and y/n knew exactly who it was. It was Luke. She quickly got off of the couch and practically ran to the door. She opened it slowly, not yet inviting him in.

They stood there for a moment, watching each other, but no one made a move till soon after. Luke lunged forward, his hands moving to y/n's waist, then he kissed her. y/n didn't kiss him back. She stared at him as he pulled away. Did he like her?

"I'm sorry, what?" y/n asked. Luke's eyebrows furrows as he looks at y/n and her expression of disbelief.

"Was I reading this whole thing wrong or-"

"No! I mean... no. I just- it's- maybe? I don't know. We just got done hating eachother and suddenly you kiss me and-" y/n took a breath. Her words are as confused and mixed up as her mind is currently. Luke laughed in front of her. His smile was bright as he stood there. The sound alone made her mind stop and everything around her seemed to calm down.

"Hey, I get it. I'm moving fast, but I need to know if you would like for me to kiss you again." Luke's smile turned into a smirk as he thought he was smooth with his words. Then y/n leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck, and she kissed him.

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