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Will Cuylle
Requested by @mirsi_v3

Will Cuylle walked into the trainers to get taped and the trainer wasn't there, but Alex was. Alex was the newest trainer assistant and she seemed to know what she was doing, so Will asked her to tape him.

"Yeah, what part of the body?" Alex asked as she grabbed what she needed. Will's eyes never fell from her.

"Shoulder. I popped it out a couple games ago and I don't want it to go ignored." Will said. Alex nodded.

"Roll up your sleeve as high as it goes." Alex instructed. Will did as he was told and Alex frowned.

"You said shoulder, right?" Alex asked again. Will nodded.

"Yeah. Does my sleeve not go high enough?" Will asked. Alex nodded.

"If you could take off your shirt, it would help." Alex said. Will nodded. He felt as if everything around him was foggy. He could take off his shirt with over 20 people in a room, but he was suddenly shy when it came to her. He got his shirt off and Alex started to tape his shoulder.

"What'd you do to pop it out?" Alex asked as she was halfway through the taping. Will snapped out of his stare, which was directed at Alex, and quickly thought of a response to her question.

"Just too much work on my arm. It slowly went out over time and I blocked a puck in a game and that's when it really started to hurt. I went to Jess to get it popped in after the game." Will said. Alex hummed and cut the tape, sealing it in place so Will could go practice.

"Well, if something like that happens again and you know something doesn't feel right, come see me or Jess before it get's even worse." Alex said as she puts all of her stuff away. Will slips his shirt back on and hops off the table he was previously sitting on.

"Thank you, Alex." Will said with a smile. She turns around and spares him a glance before turning back to her work station. Will's heart picked up it's pace after that look from her. It was like whatever she did, it all had an effect on him.


The next day the Rangers were playing the Devils and things weren't going so smoothly for Will. His shoulder started to hurt, again, after a big bit against the boards from Bahl. He waved off Jess and Alex, but neither of them wanted to listen, so they let him finished the two minutes left in the second period and Alex pulled him away from the team during intermission.

"You're going to hurt yourself even more." Alex scolded as she moved Will's arm in motions to get his shoulder moving. He didn't have the full range of motion as he did on the other side. Alex sighed. Will sat up, moving his shoulder a little bit to stop the discomfort.

"You can either go back out there and risk a bigger injury or you can sit out the rest of the game and go into training for a next few days to recover. You haven't given your ligaments enough time to destrech from your shoulder popping out. If you don't give it time, you'll have a bigger chance of it messing up." Alex informed Will. He didn't say anything.

"You'll be okay in the end, it's just a matter of how long you want it to take to get better." Alex said.

"I'll sit out." Will frowned. Alex nodded.

"I'll inform coach. You stay in here for a second. I'll come back and we can ice your shoulder." Alex said with a smile. Will nodded, no mood evident on his features.


Alex walked in the room. Will lit up. There was something about her that Will couldn't place. Even after all the time they spent together because of therapy, Will never failed to be shy around her and his feelings only grew as she helped him recover.

"Will, you're cleared to play tonight. We are going to tape your shoulder before you go out, okay?" Alex said as she walked into the trainers room with Will. He nodded excitedly.

"I can't wait to play. It's been so long." Will exagerated. Alex laughed at the boy. He takes his shirt off and Alex started to tape his shoulder. It was like a routine now, Will didn't know what he was going to do with himself when he didn't have to see her everyday.

Alex was done taping his shoulder and Will put his shirt on and hopped off the bench. He walked over to Alex, who was putting away the tape. She turned around at the sight of a shadow looming over her.

"Will, I-" Will leaned down and kissed Alex on the cheek, quickly pulling away from her and rushing out of the room. He felt like a child with his feelings, but little did he know, Alex reciprocated them.

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