Leave With Luke

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Luke Hughes
657 words
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"I never thought you'd be into someone so... strong? Is that the right word for it?" Ethan said, is voice getting higher as he continued speaking. Luke shrugged. He knew what Ethan meant, y/n was confident, you always knew she was in the room because everything seemed to gravitate towards her, and yes, she was physically strong. She knew what she wanted, which is why she never more than friends with anyone but Luke. She wanted Luke.

"I'm glad it's her. She can hold her own against the team." Luke smiled as he looked back down at the ice. Him and Ethan were sitting in on a practice for the Michigan Women's Hockey Team, where Luke's girlfriend, y/n, was the captain.

"More like she can hold her own against your brothers." Ethan snickered as he looked over at Luke before looking back at the ice. Luke rolled his eyes, a smile spread across his face.

"More like she can hold her own just against Jack. Quinn won't give her too much shit until he realizes how serious I'm trying to get with her." Luke laughed, then realized what he said and stopped. He looked over at Ethan who was already looking at him with the same wide-eyed expression.

"How serious are you trying to get, exactly?" Ethan sounded concerned and shaky with his words, his face showing the same emotion. Luke never talked about how in-love with y/n he was, mostly because she'd never said it to him, so it made sense how confused he was since Luke mentioned it so casually.

"I mean... I love her and I wouldn't mind if we continue to go out after college..." Luke's voice was got quiet as he talked to Ethan. He knew what he wanted, but he had to sugarcoat it when he finally told someone else.

"So, you want her to move to Jersey with you? I mean, unless you want to do long distance, but you've both said you don't ever want to." Ethan said, connecting the dots. Luke wished Ethan would just drop the subject. He doesn't want to talk about with this y/n so close, even if there was a guaranteed chance she couldn't hear them.

"Yeah, I want her to come and live with me in Jersey. She's ending her senior year right now and I think if I talked enough I could convince her to come with." Luke said. Ethan nodded.

"I don't think you'd need to convince her. You guys love each other too much to ever have to convince each other to do anything." Ethan said, his smile reassuring Luke as the girl's practice ended.


"I love you." y/n stood in front of Luke with wide eyes and flushed cheeks as she spoke. Luke's soft smile only made her cheeks heat up more.

"I know you're leaving after your season, but I need you to think about this. New Jersey's season is ending too so I think you could stay until I graduate and we could figure this out-"

"Come to Jersey with me. I want you there and my apartment is big enough for the both of us. You could do online classes until you graduate and then we could work anything else out there." Luke interrupted her with shining, positive, eyes. y/n's breath hitched and everything around her seemed to pause. She had a chance to leave with Luke. The man she loves, the man who loves her. She knows what she wants and she'd do anything to get it.

"Okay. I'll go, but if I need help with schoolwork or whatever you need to help me. I'm not that smart." y/n laughed. Luke rolled his eyes, but smiled nevertheless. He opened his arms and y/n fell into them, a smile on her face as the two stood in the middle of the hallway.

"I love you too."

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