Season 1: Episode 6

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Source: Wikipedia

"A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves!"

"After Team 7 completes a few miscellaneous D-ranked missions, Naruto relentlessly asks Hiruzen for a higher-level mission, and they are eventually assigned to escort a bridge builder named Tazuna back to the Land of Waves. But they are ambushed along the way by the Demon Brothers, two Chunin from the Hidden Mist Village in the Land of Water. Though it appeared they killed him as they went after Team 7 and Tazuna, the Demon Brothers learned that Kakashi was aware of their presence and faked his death to catch them off guard and see his students in action. While applauding Sasuke for holding off the Demon Brothers and Sakura for guarding Tazuna, Kakashi expresses disappointment in how poorly Naruto handled the situation and got himself poisoned. But Naruto refuses to quit the mission, and with Sasuke's taunting getting to him, he uses a kunai to stab his hand to bleed out the poison while making a promise to never back down again. Though Kakashi decides to have Naruto's self-inflicted wound dealt with, he is amazed by the boy's rapid healing and wonders if it is the Nine-Tails's doing. Elsewhere, a man named Gato confronts the Demon Brothers boss for his subordinate's failure to assassinate Tazuna. Threatening Gato with his large sword, the figure decides to handle the job personally."


We're introduced to a new character called Tazuna where Team 7 is supposed to escort him to the Land of Waves. The Demon Brothers are the supporting characters who bring action to the story. Moreover, the episode is interesting in the sense that Kakashi faked his death so that he could catch the Demon Brothers off-guard. This shows Kakashi's intelligence as one of the Jonins of the leaf village. 

Although Sasuke defeated the Demon Brothers and Sakura guarded Tazuna, Naruto was afraid when the ambush happened, hence the element of fear is evident here. This is why Kakashi is disappointed in him.  Instead of feeling sorry for himself, Naruto stabbed his hand which brought out an intense atmosphere because everyone was shocked. Naruto refuses to be the victim, especially if Sasuke has to protect him. Therefore, Naruto decides to never give up on himself. In this case, although Naruto is afraid, he has learned his lesson to not become a burden which makes him courageous.

Kakashi also shows his intelligence when he notices that Naruto's wound is healing rapidly. He immediately knew it was the Nine-Tails chakra healing him. Moreover, when Kakashi detects the demon brothers' attack, he is shown to be the type of person who doesn't let his guard down when something bad happens. In other words, he is always cautious and alert to his surroundings which makes him a fine shinobi. 

After defeating the enemies, Team 7 is out of danger for now. However, another enemy is coming their way. Who is he? This will be revealed in the next episode. 

The lesson from this episode is that one shouldn't feel sorry for themselves when things don't work out. They should rather believe in themselves that they will make things right next time.

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