Season 4: Episode 161

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Source: Wikipedia

"The Appearance of Strange Visitors"

"Two outsiders, Mondai and Potcha, come to infiltrate the village and gather its secrets by disguising themselves as Might Guy and Rock Lee, while the real Guy and Lee are out on a mission. They are oblivious to the fact that their disguises are fooling nobody, except for Naruto. Tsunade, Sakura, and Tenten string them along by giving them outrageous missions, preventing them from learning anything. The real Lee and Guy return to kick their impostors off into the distance and discover that Naruto never realized the truth."


The following analysis will look at Naruto's stupidity.

Two outsiders, Mondai and Potcha, come to infiltrate the village and gather its secrets by disguising themselves as Might Guy and Rock Lee, while the real Guy and Lee are out on a mission. The two outsiders waited until Rock Lee and Might Guy left the village during the night so that they could infiltrate the village. They plan to gather its secrets by disguising themselves as Might Guy and Rock Lee. They want the secrets so that they can go back to the village and get more missions. Therefore, Mondai is disguised as Might Guy, and Potcha is disguised as Rock Lee.

They are oblivious to the fact that their disguises are fooling nobody, except for Naruto. When the imposters arrived at the village, they were looking for the Hokage headquarters. When they spotted the location, they realized that someone was behind them greeting them, which was Kakashi. Potcha starts panicking and shakes his head while revealing his mission, saying, "Nothing! Nothing at all; really, we are just standing here; we are not after any secret documents or anything at all." When Mondai, disguised as Might Guy, hears this, he immediately hits him in the head, saying, "Shut up!" Kakashi spotted their ruse and knew about their reason for infiltrating their village thanks to Potcha's stupidity. 

Moreover, they introduced themselves to Kakashi, which was another sign that they were not Might Guy and Rock Lee. If they bothered to do more research, they would have known that Kakashi is friends with Might Guy. These guys are pathetic; they didn't think of using a transformation jutsu to disguise themselves or even bother researching more about Rock Lee and Might Guy. As a result of their carelessness, Kakashi informed Tsunade and her assistant, Shizune, that there were Guy and Lee imposters in the village.

Tsunade decides to leave the imposters to infiltrate the village. She thought of it as a training exercise for the people in the village, and Kakashi was so sure that no one was dumb enough to fall for their disguise; however, Naruto fell for it. This is evident when Naruto begs the imposters to train with them because he wants to learn their taijutsu. When they refused, Naruto activated his Shadow Clone Jutsu so that he could activate his Harem Jutsu to get them to agree. Mondai, who is disguised as Might Guy, willingly agreed.

Tsunade, Sakura, and Tenten string them along by giving them outrageous missions, preventing them from learning anything. For instance, Tenten told the imposters that they needed to help a farmer plant rice patties on a huge field. Naruto followed them, thinking that it was part of endurance training. While planting rice patties, the imposters get attacked by flying leeches that suck the life out of them. Meanwhile, Naruto deflects from the flying leeches and continues to plant the rice patties, believing that this taijutsu training is wonderful. Naruto's failure to see their disguise proves that he is indeed dumb. Mondai is too slim to be Might Guy, and Potcha is too fat to be Rock Lee. Common sense was lacking on Naruto's part. Naruto even thought that planting rice patties was part of training. However, it could be training since he deflected from the flying leeches.

When the imposters and Naruto are at the river, Sakura tells the imposters that she lost her laundry on a mountain or cliff and that she needs help from them. The white sheet is high at the top, and Naruto said that "Might Guy" could get it with his chakra control. So, while the two imposters are climbing, Naruto just walks on the cliff with his chakra control. When Naruto noticed that they were climbing instead of using chakra control, Mondai, disguised as Might Guy, said that would be cheating because they were building up their physical strength. Instead of noticing that these guys are imposters, Naruto also starts climbing. Moreover, when the imposters grab the white sheet, they end up blown away by the wind and end up landing on the trees in the forest. Naruto, being oblivious, believes that it was awesome when they landed on the trees without using their chakra. When they couldn't use their chakra to climb on the cliff, that should have been a clear sign to Naruto that these guys were not Might Guy and Rock Lee. However, Naruto remains oblivious to their lies and believes it's all part of training.

When the imposters and Naruto are in the forest, Tsunade tells them that her friend, the summoning animal, a huge slug, is sick. She wants the imposters to look after her until Tsunade can move her. The two imposters, who are oblivious that this is a trick, believe that if they take care of the slug, they are closer to gaining Tsunade's trust and stealing the secrets. Since the summoning animal has a cold, the two imposters decide to put a wet cloth on her forehead to tackle the fever. However, they failed to do so when she sneezed out snot, and Naruto dodged it. It turns out the snot is like acid since it melted the trees behind the imposters. When Naruto asks them why they are not dodging the snot, Mondai, disguised as Might Guy, says that it's all part of reflex training, and Naruto obliviously believes them. As a result, Naruto jumps in front of the slug, waiting for her to sneeze; however, she ends up disintegrating herself into a hundred slugs. Naruto's failing to realize that these guys are imposters is appalling because a real ninja would never put themselves in a compromising situation on purpose, especially when there's acid involved that could risk their life! Therefore, Naruto remained stupid throughout the episode.

The real Lee and Guy return to kick their impostors off into the distance and discover that Naruto never realized the truth. After sustaining injuries from the outrageous missions, the two imposters decide to quit and leave the village. As they are about to leave, they are confronted by the real Lee and Guy. As a result, the two imposters activated their jutsu titled "Super Mega Excellent Eyeball Attack," which forms a huge green light that targets Guy and Lee. To tackle this, Lee and Guy used their new technique, "Double Dynamic Entry," which kicked their imposters off into a distance. The two imposters will never return to the village.

Meanwhile, Naruto never realizes the truth since he keeps talking about training with the real Lee and Guy, which leaves them confused. It is baffling that Naruto could not tell the difference between the imposters and the real Guy and Lee, even though the signs were there! Anyway, this episode was lighthearted, which made it funny to watch.

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