Season 4: Episode 176

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Source: Wikipedia

"Run, Dodge, Zigzag! Chase or Be Chased!"

"Working together, the group escapes from the cave-in with the treasure but learns that Hinata injured her leg. After realizing that Naruto and Kiba argue too often while Hinata worries for the others too much, they head into town to stop their copies. The group outwits and defeats their copies except for Naruto, who uses demon fox chakra-fueled shadow clones to defeat his copy because his copy was running up a huge debt under his name and ate all his food (including some ramen he was saving for a special occasion). Naruto's copy also accidentally bumped into Sakura, who was walking out of the library with an extremely tall stack of books. The copy then ridicules Sakura for being such a klutz, which angers her and leads her to unknowingly punch the real Naruto. Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata learn that the mission was a test to see if they could work together as a team and that they passed it. Tsunade becomes upset when the "treasure" turns out to be a bill for services rendered."


The episode showed how the team realized the value of teamwork. In other words, the episode was centred on the importance of teamwork and how each of them realized their flaws and managed to find ways to tackle them. The following scene takes place in the limestone cave.

The episode starts with Agari and the imposters telling the genin about their plans to destroy the leaf village, and since the genin is aware of their plans, they set paper bombs in the ceiling and plan to set them off as soon as they leave. Naruto assumed that they were sent by Orochimaru to destroy the village, but he later realized that it was just a test. 

Moreover, if the enemies seemingly destroy the leaf village, the genin keeps in mind that if that happens, people will think that they destroyed the village, which would probably force them to become rogue ninjas like Orochimaru, hence their plans to escape the limestone cave. As soon as the enemies left, the paper bombs were already in the process of exploding, so Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata came up with a plan to leave the place.

Kiba, Naruto, and Hinata realized the value of teamwork.

Working together, the group escapes from the cave-in with the treasure but learns that Hinata injured her leg. After realizing that Naruto and Kiba argue too often while Hinata worries for the others too much, they head into town to stop their copies.

1. Hinata's Protective 8 Trigrams

After deliberating on what they could do to escape, Hinata suggested that she could use her protective 8 trigrams. Kiba agreed since they could use it to survive the collapse of the cave. Therefore, Naruto, Kiba, and Akamaru tried to break the ropes wrapped around Hinata's body. After some struggle, they managed to break the rope, and at the same time, the paper bombs set off. As a result, the cave started to collapse, so before the rocks could hit them, Hinata used Protective 8 Trigrams: 64 Palms, which knocked out each of the rocks easily. Meanwhile, after witnessing the collapse of the cave from outside, Agari and his imposters leave and are on their way to the leaf village.

While the enemies left, Hinata and the rest survived the crash. She passed out on Naruto's shoulder, and he asked if she was okay. Instead of responding, she blushed and seemingly passed out. However, Kiba remarked that she should cut their ropes first, and then she is free to pass out if she wants. So Hinata cut off their ropes using her kunai. Thanks to Hinata's Protective 8 Trigrams, the team survived the crash in the limestone cave.

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