Season 4: Episode 170

52 33 4

Source: Wikipedia

"The Closed Door"

"Naruto awakens in the girl's hut, where she identifies herself as Isaribi. Upon thanking her, Naruto realizes that she is being ostracized by the residents, and he angrily chases away the children who have arrived to torment her. Meanwhile, Orochimaru is meeting with Amachi, a scientist conducting experiments under his direction. Sasuke Uchiha is also present and ends their conversation when it's directed towards him. The remaining members of Team Anko have arrived at the island, where they are briefed on the payment schedule that they must defend, and they locate the Demon of the Ocean (Kaima) in the meantime. However, Naruto arrives and identifies the Kaima as Isaribi. The arrival of Yoroi enables Isaribi to escape, and the two escape. Anko attempts to pursue but is paralyzed by pain from her cursed seal. Anko falls unconscious from the pain caused by the cursed seal."


There is a lot of unfolding of events. The following analysis will look at:

· Anko's memories and Orochimaru's involvement

· Similarity between Naruto and Isaribi

· The story behind the demon island

After Naruto got caught in the current, Anko's team was looking for him, but there was no trace of him. The next morning, they head off to see the ship's financial administrator to seek information about Naruto's whereabouts. However, the administrator said that he hadn't received any reports from any shipwreck survivors. To make matters worse, the schedule for the ship delivering money had to be moved to the next day. He apologizes to Anko's team for the late notice, and the reason he is pushing for the quick delivery is that the land of the sea's relationship with the land of water is fragile. Therefore, the decision was made to push the departure forward. Despite the change of schedule, Anko's team decided to look for Naruto once more before heading for guard duty at the next destination. They also had to sort out the demon of the ocean.

Similarity between Naruto and Isaribi

Naruto awakens in the girl's hut, where she identifies herself as Isaribi. Upon thanking her, Naruto realizes that she is being ostracized by the residents, and he angrily chases away the children who have arrived to torment her. After Naruto ate some food, he went outside of the girl's hut and noticed it was vandalized. In response, Isaribi mentioned that the kids from the village were the ones who vandalized her hut. To make matters worse, the kids came back to terrorize her to the extent that they threw stones at her. Naruto decided to intervene by chasing them away. While doing that, they made allegations that Isaribi secretly went off and joined up with the demon of the ocean. Isaribi's experience is linked to Naruto's in the sense that Naruto was also treated as an outcast due to the nine-tailed fox inside of him. Although Naruto wasn't terrorized, directly, the way he was isolated made him feel alone.

When the kids left, Naruto wanted to go after them, but Isaribi told him to let them go. She also said, "They are right; I was taken away by the spirits; it's only natural people think I'm strange." She also went on to say, "The truth is, most humans would never associate with someone as different as I am. You don't know." If only she knew that Naruto could relate to her situation since he has a nine-tailed fox inside of him. He has had his fair share of people thinking that he's strange and treating him differently. This is why Naruto feels sympathetic towards her situation because he knows what it feels like to be isolated and alone.

The story behind Demon Island

When Anko's team was still looking for Naruto, Shino and Ino decided to ask the villagers about his whereabouts. One of them claimed that Naruto was taken by the demon of the ocean. When Ino and Shino asked about its whereabouts, they were reluctant to tell them because they believed it was pointless. So, Ino and Shino convinced them by telling them that they had come to get rid of the demon of the ocean. As a result, the woman started telling them the story about the demon island, or the island of demons. She said, "From the beginning, the waters of Demon Island were rich in fish, but the hidden riffs made it too dangerous for boats. Most people heeded the legend and stayed away, but one unusually cool summer 10 years ago, the fish disappeared from the sea. We had no choice, so my husband and I ventured into the treacherous waters. We caught many fish, but when I returned to the surface with our whole, I was stunned; the boat was empty, and my husband was nowhere to be seen. Since then, one by one, everyone who approaches that island has disappeared, even those who go to search for the missing. No one will go near the island for fear that they too will be taken away." The demon of the ocean has caused a lot of havoc in the village. However, there is more to the story, as I will show in my analysis.

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