Season 1: Episode 57

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Source: Wikipedia
"He Flies! He Jumps! He Lurks! Chief Toad Appears!"

"The giant toad, revealed to be named Gamabunta, is angry that he has been summoned to a pit and even angrier that Naruto is sitting on top of his head. Although Naruto informs Gamabunta that he summoned him, Gamabunta does not believe him. Determined to prove himself, Naruto rides atop Gamabunta's head until sunset, while Gamabunta tries to shake him off. Naruto falls shortly before sunset, but he earns Gamabunta's respect in the process. Gamabunta then takes Naruto to the hospital to rest."


We are introduced to a new character called Gamabunta, the giant toad Naruto has summoned to save him from dying. In this episode, Gamabunta is presented as the type that no one should mess with. He doesn't tolerate nonsense from anyone, which is why Jiraiya never attempted to summon him most of the time.

Despite Naruto telling him that he summoned him, Gamabunta doesn't believe Naruto summoned him because Naruto is a kid. Therefore, that is why Naruto was determined to prove himself so that Gamabunta would acknowledge him. Gamabunta tries to shake Naruto off his head, but Naruto refuses to give up because that is his ninja way. Naruto doesn't know when to give up. Although Naruto failed to stay on top of Gamabunta's head due to fatigue, he earned Gamabunta's respect in the process. While Naruto was unconscious, Jiraiya sent the scroll to Gamabunta to show that Naruto had summoned him. However, Gamabunta knew that hence why, in this episode, there is positive music playing in the background that shows a positive atmosphere. Moreover, Gamabunta has acknowledged that Naruto is courageous. This was a happy ending; hence, it was a comic relief where season 1 ended with a light-hearted scene.

The lesson from this episode is that one shouldn't be afraid to take risks sometimes because they might work in their favour.

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