Season 1: Episode 45

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Source: Wikipedia

"Surprise Attack! Naruto's Secret Weapon!"

"As the battle continues, Naruto manages to trick Kiba into knocking Akamaru out. Despite this, Naruto is still at a disadvantage due to Kiba's pill-enhanced chakra as well as his superior strength and speed. Kiba proves to be too fast for Naruto, to the point that Naruto doesn't even have time to perform any jutsu. Using his speed to get behind Naruto, Kiba is about to land a finishing blow. Before he can make contact, however, Naruto accidentally farts into his face, stopping him in his tracks. Due to Kiba's greatly enhanced sense of smell, he is overwhelmed by the odour as Naruto defeats him by using his Shadow Clones in his version of Sasuke's Lion Barrage: Uzumaki Barrage".


The match between Kiba and Naruto proves to be epic.

In this episode, Naruto uses a clever strategy. For instance, when Kiba and Akamaru used the Man-Beast Clone Jutsu to overwhelm Naruto, Naruto decided to use his Shadow Clone to disguise himself as "Kiba" so that the battle would stop. Afterwards, Kiba used his scent to detect Naruto and then knocked out Naruto, who was disguised as "Kiba." However, Kiba is now confused since the Shadow Clone transformed into "Akamaru," which caused him to knock out the real Akamaru. Moreover, when Naruto saw that Akamaru was knocked out, the Shadow Clone disguised as "Akamaru" was revealed to be the real Naruto. At that moment, Naruto proves to have grown as a ninja because he is not only strong but clever when it comes to planning strategic plans. After witnessing the fight, this compelled everyone to take notice of Naruto and start to respect him as a ninja, hence why the episode is epic. Naruto is a dynamic character that continues to grow as a fine shinobi.

The episode also proved to be unpredictable. When Kiba used his speed to land a finishing blow against Naruto, Naruto accidentally farted into his face, stopping him in his tracks. This was unexpected, as everyone was surprised by it. Though this wasn't Naruto's original plan, Kiba is overwhelmed by the odour. It gave Naruto an advantage in winning the fight. Therefore, this brought humour to this episode, which made the audience laugh out loud.

Naruto's final attack is interesting. For instance, Naruto defeats Kiba using his Shadow Clones in his version of Sasuke's Lion Barrage, the Uzumaki Barrage. Naruto took notice of Sasuke's technique during the first match with Yoroi. Though they are rivals, Naruto seems to look up to Sasuke as a strong ninja and as someone important to him. It's almost like what Haku said about having someone precious to you.

Kakashi has noticed that Naruto copied the technique as well, which shows that he is always alert when it comes to certain situations.

The lesson from this episode is that it's important to think things through before doing anything, just like Naruto did when he thought of other ways of defeating Kiba.

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