Season 2: Episode 86

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Source: Wikipedia
"A New Training Begins: I Will Be Strong!"

"Naruto enjoys a day out on the town while Jiraiya does some investigating into Tsunade's whereabouts. When Jiraiya ends up using his time and Naruto's money to enjoy sake and women, he starts teaching Naruto the Rasengan after a conflict with ex-Chunnin Ninjas. To begin learning the technique, Naruto must pop a water-filled balloon held in the palm of his hand by spinning the water with his chakra, something he starts with great enthusiasm."


There is a positive atmosphere in this episode. Naruto has saved so much money that, in a way, he seems responsible. When Naruto wanted to spend his money, Jiraiya warned Naruto about spending all his money and decided to keep Naruto's money. Afterwards, he gave Naruto some money to spend.

Naruto enjoys his day in town until he decides to buy food for himself and Jiraiya. Jiraiya is a hypocrite in the sense that he spent all of Naruto's money on sake and women. Jiraiya in this case was very irresponsible, which made Naruto angry because Jiraiya went against the advice he gave Naruto. Moreover, it's funny how Naruto, a child, was responsible for his money while Jiraiya, an adult, was irresponsible to the extent that he finished Naruto's money. It's very ironic, which brings out a lot of humour in the episode. In other words, it was a situational irony where what happened was the opposite of what was appropriate. 

He starts teaching Naruto the Rasengan after a conflict with the ex-Chunnin Ninjas. To begin learning the technique, Naruto must pop a water-filled balloon held in the palm of his hand by spinning the water with his chakra, something he does with great enthusiasm. The ex-Chunin ninjas wanted to fight Jiraiya, probably to improve their ninja skills. At that moment, that's when Jiraiya started teaching Naruto the Rasengan. It is similar to the Chidori in the sense that they both require the use of chakra. Where did Jiraiya learn the Rasengan? Who created it? All of these questions will be answered after some episodes.

The next episode will show Naruto's training on how to use the Rasengan. Naruto is excited about this; hence, he is always eager to learn, especially when it comes to being a strong ninja. In other words, he is a dynamic character that continues to grow as a ninja. 

The lesson from this episode is that we can achieve our goals if we are enthusiastic about them, just like Naruto is when he starts his training.

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