Season 4: Episode 171

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Source: Wikipedia

"Infiltration: The Set-Up!"

"While on the beach, Anko, still unconscious, is being tended to by Ino. Meanwhile, Naruto explains his encounter with Isaribi earlier. The episode continues back into Anko's sudden remembrance of her memories. She sees Orochimaru approaching her, telling her that the Hokage knows about their experiments. Shino, Naruto, and Ino decided to continue their original mission: to protect the official payments and capture the Kaima (Isaribi). The group heads to Demon Island (Kikaijima), an island located in the Land of the Sea, where supposedly the Kaima resides. Anko awakes and explains that the Kaima (Demon of the Ocean) is a human who has undergone physical transmutations. While they are talking, Yoroi and Isaribi head underwater to Orochimaru's lair. Inside, Isaribi passes on the information relating to the official payments and asks when she will return to normal. Yoroi tells her that she is a prototype and that when he is done collecting information from her, he will change her back. He also sends her to dispatch Naruto and the rest of the group, who have just arrived on the shore. Shino, Naruto, and Ino find themselves in an experimental laboratory with many creatures contained in test pillars. Isaribi approaches from behind and triggers a trapdoor. The three genin fall through the trapdoor, and Anko appears behind Isaribi with a kunai at her throat. Isaribi gets away and leaves Anko locked in the room, facing three large lion-like animal mutations. Anko makes quick work of the three, only leaving the curse mark to pain her. The rest of the team faces Yoroi Akado, who is working for the enemy. Shino takes up the challenge while Naruto and Ino continue running to catch up with Anko. Anko, Naruto, and Ino find themselves facing Amachi and Isaribi. Amachi and Isaribi run off just as Misumi Tsurugi comes to face them. Ino uses her mind manipulation jutsu, to restrain him. Shino's opponent disappears as the island begins to collapse. Isaribi, Amachi, and Yoroi escape on a ship, leaving Team Anko to die in the collapsing building. Naruto frantically searches for an exit."


Most of the information provided by Wikipedia explained everything that happened in the episode. However, this analysis will show how Orochimaru got involved in Demon Island and other details that happened.

The episode continues back into Anko's sudden remembrance of her memories. She sees Orochimaru approaching her, telling her that the Hokage knows about their experiments. Orochimaru lied to Anko; otherwise, if the Hokage knew about their experiments, he wouldn't have felt the need to erase her memories. This just proves that Orochimaru is a liar and would do whatever it takes to fulfill his evil intentions to gain power, even at the expense of manipulating others like Anko and harming innocent people with his experiments.

Anko's memories played a role in revealing Orochimaru's evil plans.

Anko awakes and explains that the Kaima (Demon of the Ocean) is a human who has undergone physical transmutations. When she woke up, she explained to Ino, Shino, and Naruto about Isaribi's identity. She said, "This isn't some sea creature we are dealing with; our demon was made in a lab; it used to be human." Anko also explained how Orochimaru is the one behind the disappearance of villagers, not the demon of the ocean (Isaribi). This is evident when she says, "A good number of people did mysteriously vanish in the land of the sea 10 years ago, but it wasn't because of any demon. They were being snatched up and used as test subjects in an experiment conducted by Orochimaru." This means that the possible explanation I provided in the previous analysis is accurate. Orochimaru is the one Anko's team must deal with, not the demon of the ocean (Isaribi).

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