Season 4: Episode 156

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Source: Wikipedia

"Raiga's Counterattack"

"Raiga awakes to find Ranmaru unconscious. Tenten has no choice but to engage Raiga by herself, but she is eventually defeated. Raiga then demands that Karashi turn over Lee, Neji, and Naruto to him, threatening to kill him and his mother. Karashi tricks the group into going to Raiga and attempts to escape with his mother. Tenten returns with Ranmaru, insisting that he live because it is a choice his and Raiga's victims did not have, and has Sanshou make the Curry of Life for him. Elsewhere, Naruto, Lee, and Neji are faring badly against Raiga, who is using a thunderstorm to increase his power, but Sanshou heads out to provide curry for them."


The following analysis will look at:

· Raiga's caring nature towards Ranmaru

· Raiga's massive strength

· Tenten's crucial words to Ranmaru

Outside the curry shop, the genin realises that there's a storm, not realizing that it symbolizes Raiga's revival. Neji noted that the lightning came from the Kadabami Gold Mine, where Karashi was frightened to see that his former boss was alive. This episode is mainly focused on Raiga, who has changed as compared to what he was before.

Raiga's caring nature towards Ranmaru

Raiga awakes to find Ranmaru unconscious. Creepy music plays in the background as Raiga is perplexed to see Ranmaru in that state. He starts speaking to Ranmaru, saying, "No, it can't. Ranmaru...Hey, Ranmaru, wake up already. Quick joking around, okay? It isn't funny." He bends down, tries to wake Ranmaru up, and continues to say, "Hey, Ranmaru." The repetition of Ranmaru's name shows that Raiga can't believe that the person he cares about is dead.

Moreover, after realizing that Ranmaru is not waking up, he looks at Karashi with an angry look on his face. He questions Karashi, saying, "Tell me, tell me what you did to Ranmaru." Karashi responds while he is frightened, saying, "Nothing, I swear! It was you. Ranmaru, he laid his hands on you, boss, and you came back, and then he..." Before Karashi could finish his statement, Raiga had a sad look on his face as he said Ranmaru's name. It is tragic in the sense that Ranmaru is willing to sacrifice his life to save Raiga, and since Ranmaru is not waking up, Raiga concludes that he is dead. Therefore, as a result, he threatens to kill the genin, who is supposedly responsible for his death. This shows his caring nature towards Ranmaru in the sense that he was willing to kill the people who were supposedly responsible for his death.

Raiga's massive strength

Raiga vs Tenten

Tenten has no choice but to engage Raiga by herself, but she is eventually defeated. At the cliff, Tenten was unconscious, and after some time, she woke up. She witnessed everything and wondered how Raiga was alive. Therefore, she has no choice but to engage Raiga by herself, which results in a battle between Tenten and Raiga. 

She summons her ninja tools and tries to tie up Raiga with her chains. She also tossed various kunai at him. However, he stops her attack using lightning and breaks free from the chains using lighting. As a result, the lightning strikes her, and she lands on a rock. A threatening melody plays in the background as Raiga has the upper hand. He comes closer and tries to stab her, but she dodges his attack. She resorts to holding a wooden stick and beats him up with the weapon. She seemingly has the upper hand because she tossed one of his weapons aside. However, when she tries to beat him up with the wooden stuff one last time, he partially cuts the stuff into two using his sharp blade. Afterwards, he infuses his lightning through the blade, which travels through the wooden stuff and then hits Tenten. Due to this effect, she lands on the ground. Raiga seems to have more control over lightning as compared to the first time he interacted with the genin. Henceforth, he has acquired massive strength thanks to Ranmaru.

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