Season 2: Episode 60

67 41 15

Source: Wikipedia,
"Byakugan vs. Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Naruto begins his match with Neji Hyuga, whom Naruto promised to defeat a month earlier during the preliminary rounds. Since taijutsu proves ineffective, Naruto creates a large number of shadow clones. Though Neji can destroy them all, Naruto creates more."


According to the Narutopedia website, Naruto attacks Neji with clones using the Shadow Clone Technique, and they are skillfully eliminated by Neji. The true Naruto is still standing, and Neji declares that destiny chooses who becomes Hokage and that fate decides who is born. After becoming enraged at his derogatory remarks, Naruto decides he won't give up lightly and decides to employ the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

Therefore, there is a use of foreshadowing when Neji declares that destiny chooses who becomes Hokage. His tone suggested that he hates the term destiny. What could be the reason? Only time will tell. 

The reason why taijutsu is ineffective against Neji is because the Hyuga clan has a special technique where they can hit the chakra points on the opponent's body. If they hit the right chakra points, the opponent will not be able to move. Therefore, this is why Naruto resorted to using his Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu. He doesn't want Neji to hit his chakra points. In simpler terms, Naruto wants to reserve his chakra so that he can defeat Neji.

The next episode is going to be a continuation of the match between Naruto and Neji.

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