Season 3: Episode 141

55 33 19

Source: Wikipedia

"Sakura's Determination"

"Naruto takes on Arashi but gets trapped and beaten easily. Sakura thinks he is dead, and Naruto ends up blowing his sneak attack cover to protect her, getting pierced by the spine. Naruto tries his attack again, but his injury causes a problem. Naruto gets trapped in an attack that will crush him if he does not get out. Sasame attacks Arashi and manages to set him free for a second. However, it does not last long, and he soon tries to kill Sasame. Sakura jumps in the way and says she will give her life to protect her friends. Naruto tells her she cannot die, and Arashi tries to finish Naruto off. Sasame causes enough of a distraction for Naruto to break free. The attack caused by Naruto frees Arashi, and Arashi protects Sasame from the monster that is part of his body. The place begins to collapse, and Jiraiya arrives. Arashi throws them out and tells them he cannot leave since he is a puppet. He tells Naruto that Sasuke is alive, and they all leave, leaving Arashi behind. The Fuma Clan promises to rebuild their town, and everyone heads back to Konoha. Considering herself to have been of little use, Sakura asks to become Tsunade's pupil and learn to become a medical ninja. She also meets Naruto in the hospital and thanks him, insisting that next time she will help him save Sasuke."


As this marks the end of Season 3, the following analysis will look at the

· Use of dialogue

• The role of Sasame in bringing Arashi back to his senses

· Arashi's sacrifice

• Sakura's determination

In the previous episode, we were left in suspense where Arashi has changed into a monster. As the episode begins, ominous music with a mixture of drums and electronic guitar starts to play in the background. The use of dialogue starts to take place among them:

Naruto: Okay, where is Sasuke? What have you done with him?

Arashi (with a creepy smile): I take it you are Naruto. If I were to tell you the truth you would not believe me anyway

Naruto: That's right! at least not if you told me he was dead.

Sakura: Naruto... that's right, Sasuke is alive.

Naruto: I promised that I would bring Sasuke back and I am the kind of guy who always keeps his promises.

Sakura: Naruto

Arashi: You'll have to get past me first. If I were still the weakling I once was, I would tell you everything you want to know.

Sasame (with tears in her eyes): Arashi, please!

Arashi: Forget it, the Arashi you used to know is dead and gone. What you see now is the fusion of ninja art cadaver puppets, just a lot of unfeeling flesh.

From the dialogue, we learn that this is a threatening situation where Arashi has changed into a monster. He even went on to assert that the old Arashi is dead and gone and that his new body is the fusion of ninja art cadaver puppets, just a lot of unfeeling flesh. In other words, he is saying that he has dead bodies attached to him that are giving him power. Therefore, the pursuit of power has changed Arashi into someone unrecognisable.

Moreover, despite the situation, Naruto is hopeful that Sasuke is alive and that he is determined to keep his promises. This shows that no matter what situation Naruto faces, he will always be optimistic which is a good character trait to have.

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