Season 3: Episode 126

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Source: Wikipedia,
"Showdown: Gaara vs. Kimimaro!"

"Lee, wanting to assist Gaara in his fight, attacks Kimimaro, but his body's too weak, and Gaara tells him he's only getting in the way. Gaara attacks him with his sand burial technique, but Kimimaro survives by hardening a layer of bone under his skin. Kimimaro remembers how he grew up in a cage because of his kekkei genkai and the battle that killed all of his clan. It was Orochimaro who took him in and gave him a purpose. Kimimaro advances his cursed seal to the first, then the second state, and continues to fight, much to Lee and Gaara's dismay. All the while, Naruto continues his relentless search for Sasuke."


Lee, wanting to assist Gaara in his fight, attacks Kimimaro, but his body's too weak, and Gaara tells him he's only getting in the way. The episode begins with a face-off between Gaara and Kimimaro, so to add to the tense atmosphere, there is a moment of silence between them. Moreover, Lee wanting to attack Kimimaro despite his injuries shows his determination to fight his opponent, no matter the consequences; hence, he is brave. Furthermore, Gaara said something significant. He said, "You're not doing anything in your present state. I've got this." Gaara is confident in his abilities, which leaves one curious to see what will happen next. 

Gaara attacks him with his sand burial technique, but Kimimaro survives by hardening a layer of bone under his skin. Before Gaara attacked Kimimaro with his sand burial technique, Lee warned him about Kimimaro's abilities. He said, "Do not let your guard down. He uses his bones to attack." He also said that Kimimaro forces them to protrude from his body. Regardless of Lee's warning, Gaara believed he could easily defeat Kimimaro. This is shown when he said, "If I need more sand, I can easily use the earth we're standing on to make more." Gaara was feeding his sand into the ground, hence the need for new sand to create a sand burial technique. As Lee said, they do not call Gaara of the desert for nothing. Despite the sand burial technique, Kimimaro survived; hence, Kimimaro is not an essay opponent to be defeated. As the episode progresses, the battle intensifies and leaves one anxious to understand what will happen next.

Gaara said something even more significant in this episode. He said that when he sees Kimimaro, he sees Sasuke Uchiha. This is shown when he says, "When I look at this guy, he reminds me of him: Uchiha's eyes. Sasuke had the same eyes this guy does. Seeking to prove the value of their existence." Following that, the audience is shown Sasuke's left and Kimimaro's right faces, which aids the audience in comprehending Gaara's meaning.

There is a similarity between Sasuke and Kimimaro. Not only are they seeking to prove the value of their existence, but they both possess the kekkei genkai. For instance, Sasuke has the Sharingan, while Kimimaro has the Shikotsumyaku, which allows him to manipulate his skeletal structure as a means of combat. Therefore, Gaara plays a crucial role in showing the similarity between Sasuke and Kimimaro. Moreover, if they're similar, it means Sasuke isn't the same person he used to be, hence Naruto is in serious trouble, which is a foreshadowing of what will happen later in the plot.

Kimimaro remembers how he grew up in a cage because of his kekkei genkai and the battle that killed all of his clan. It was Orochimaru who took him in and gave him a purpose. In Kimimaro's narrative, there is another interesting development worth mentioning. His clan, known as the Kaguya clan, ordered Kimimaro to slaughter everyone in the Hidden Mist Village. Along the way, he encountered Haku and Zabuza, who were travelling, which was a fascinating development. Haku also possessed a kekkei genkai known as Ice Release. This is what enables him to make and travel between his ice mirrors with ease. He had to leave the Land of Water because, for their talents, those with kekkei genkai quickly became feared and loathed. No one wanted him until Zabuza came and gave him the purpose of becoming a dedicated Shinobi under Zabuza. Therefore, Kimimaro and Haku are similar because they are both looking for a purpose. Haku said, "His eyes were the same as mine before I met Zabuza." It just goes to show that anyone with the kekkei genkai is always looking for a purpose. This is evidenced by Sasuke's desire to kill Itachi Uchiha. It also proves that having the kekkei genkai proves to be a heavy burden to carry.

Kimimaro advances his cursed seal to the first state, then the second state, and continues to fight, much to Lee and Gaara's dismay.  Kimimaro, on the other hand, is far too powerful and charges towards Gaara and Lee. The music gets louder as the show progresses. In the next episode, we'll find out what happens next.

All the while, Naruto continues his relentless search for Sasuke. Naruto sat in a darkened tunnel, reminiscing about his youth and wondering where Sasuke was. In his head, Naruto sees Neji in the darkness, telling him that Sasuke is in the darkness and that if he stays in the black tunnel, he will never find him. As a result, Naruto rushes down the tunnel till he sees light; hence, music mixed with an explosive electric guitar and an outcry sound in the background symbolizes Naruto's determination to find Sasuke. In the next episode, we'll find out what will happen.

The episode was well-written in the sense that it equally showcased Gaara's and Kimimaro's strengths. Second, it revealed more about Kimimaro's past and the reasons for his devotion to Orochimaru. Last, it demonstrated Naruto's determination to track down Sasuke.

This episode teaches us not to pass judgment on others, as Kimimaru is loyal to Orochimaru because he gave him a purpose, even though it's unfortunate that Orochimaru took advantage of Kimimaru's vulnerability when he discovered him.

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