Season 1: Episode 21

100 46 56

Source: Wikipedia,
"Identify Yourself: Powerful New Rivals."

"Encountering the Sand Siblings, Team 7 learns that the three are ninjas who have come from the Hidden Sand Village to participate in the Chunin Exams to be promoted to Chunin-level ninjas. Elsewhere, meeting with Hiruzen on the matter, Kakashi, the Third Hokage's son Asuma Sarutobi, and Kurenai Yuhi all nominate their students for the Chunin Exams, much to Iruka's disbelief. Iruka challenges their decision, as he believes Naruto and the others are not ready for the exam, but Kakashi explains to Iruka that they are no longer his students. The next morning, Kakashi gives Team 7 the application forms for the Chunin Exams, with Sasuke and Naruto more than willing, while Sakura is uncertain. Later, each member of Team 7 is attacked by a mysterious ninja that they defeat in a one-on-one fight. The figure is revealed to be Iruka, who reports to Kakashi that she approves of his choice. Later, while making their way to the site of the Chunin Exam, Team 7 meets Rock Lee and his teammates, Neji Hyuga and Tenten. Though they leave to go to where the exams are, Team 7 is followed by Lee, who intends to challenge Sasuke.


We are introduced to a new set of characters, which are Asuma Sarutobi (the Third Hokage's son) and Kurenai Yuhi. These characters play an important part in the episode because that's when we will learn more about their students who are going to participate in the Chunin Exams.

Although Kakashi nominated his students for the Chunin Exams, Iruka challenged his decision because he cared about his former students and didn't want them to get hurt. In this case, Iruka is shown to be loving and caring towards his students. Kakashi, on the other hand, believes in his students and believes that they will be fine. Therefore, this compelled Iruka to disguise himself as the mysterious ninja to test his students. As a result, Team 7 managed to defeat him, which made Iruka approve of Kakashi's choice. Kakashi is the type of character who wanted Team 7 to attend the Chunin Exams to help them in their development as strong ninjas.

When Naruto and Sasuke were given the application forms for the Chunin Exams, they didn't hesitate since they were willing to participate in the exams. The reason is that Sasuke wants to fight so that he can become strong, while Naruto not only wants to be strong, but it's his chance to finally be acknowledged by others as a fine shinobi. Sakura, however, was uncertain about participating in the Chunin Exams because she lacked self-esteem. Yet she eventually agrees to participate, believing in herself.

There is also another set of characters in this episode, which are Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga, and Tenten, who are another set of students from Hidden Leaf Village participating in the Chunin Exams. Moreover, there is an unfolding of events when Lee issues a match against Sasuke; hence, in the next episode, we will see this match.

The lesson from this episode is that we shouldn't let our fears hinder achieving our dreams, just like Sakura, who decided to take part in the Chunin exams despite her fears.

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