Season 2: Episode 85

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Source: Wikipedia
"Hate Among the Uchihas: The Last of the Clan!"

"Although Jiraiya prepares to fight the two Akatsuki members, Sasuke proclaims that he will kill Itachi. Itachi brutally beats and berates his brother, even using Tsukuyomi. Sasuke falls unconscious, and Jiraiya uses the ensuing chaos to prepare a powerful technique, forcing the Akatsuki team to flee. Might Guy arrive and take Sasuke back to Konoha? Before he leaves, he asks Naruto and Jiraiya to find Tsunade, hoping that she will be able to heal Lee's injuries. They reassured him, and Naruto and Jiraiya set out to resume their search."


From the episode I have seen, Jiraiya starts explaining how Itachi and Kisame failed to derail him. They used a genjutsu on the woman so that they could distract Jiraiya and leave Naruto by himself at the hotel. From my point of view, that was a good move. Using Jiraiya's weakness against him almost worked. Jiraiya brings a sense of humour and comedy to the episode because the way he acts is very funny. He helps lighten up the mood in this episode for a bit.

Although Jiraiya prepares to fight the two Akatsuki members, Sasuke proclaims that he will kill Itachi. Itachi brutally beats and berates his brother, even using Tsukuyomi. Sasuke falls unconscious, and Jiraiya uses the ensuing chaos to prepare a powerful technique, forcing the Akatsuki team to flee. Sasuke continues his determination to kill Itachi despite being injured. Sasuke isn't the type to give up easily; hence, he is similar to Naruto and Rock Lee. However, Sasuke gets beaten by Itachi. Itachi uses these hurtful words: "You're weak; you don't have enough hatred."  These words that Itachi uttered to Sasuke will compel Sasuke to hate him even more in the future. Moreover, as Sasuke falls unconscious, this angers Naruto, proving that he cares about the people who matter to him the most. In other words, Naruto is empathetic to Sasuke's situation; hence, he is a round character who seems like a real person who cares about others. 

Jiraiya uses a special technique called the Toad Mouth Bind to trap the Akatsuki in the giant toad's stomach. According to the Narutopedia website, this is a technique where Jiraiya summons a giant toad's stomach. This section of the toad contains stomach acid, and the air within is filled with an acidic poison that is colourless and odourless, making it difficult to detect. Therefore, it explains why Jiraiya was confident that Itachi and Kisame would not be able to escape the jutsu. However, Itachi managed to escape with Kisame, but why didn't Itachi just use Tsukiyomi to defeat Jiraiya? This seems suspicious since Itachi is one of the strongest opponents. Why didn't he utilize his skills fully? These questions will be answered in the sequel, Naruto Shippuden.

Might Guy arrive and take Sasuke back to Konoha? Before he leaves, he asks Naruto and Jiraiya to find Tsunade, hoping that she will be able to heal Lee's injuries. They reassured him, and Naruto and Jiraiya set out to resume their search.  When Might Guy arrived, he hit Jiraiya, mistaking him for the enemy. When he realised his mistake, he had this look😅of embarrassment. When Jiraiya gets angry, Might Guy apologizes for his mistake. This is funny, especially since he failed to recognize one of the legendary sannin.  Therefore, Might Guy brings humour to the episode because he eases the tension of what had just happened with Akatsuki.

This episode reveals more about the character Tsunade. She is not only one of the legendary sannin, but she is revealed to be a medic ninja that can heal people, even if it doesn't seem possible. This is why Might Guy asked Naruto and Jiraiya to find her so that she can heal Lee. The Tsunade character seems interesting, which makes us curious to know more about her.

In the next episode, we will see Jiraiya and Naruto resume their search to find Tsunade.

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